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I just need to vent...

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ok, i feel a little better... ok, i just want to now what the *beep* is wrong with me. I was with this girl for 3.5 years and we broke up like 2 years ago and ever since then i've been alone and lonely and can't seem to find a nice girl anywhere, at least keeping them.


But I dated this girl for about 2 months and it didn't work out and she moved way up north. Then I met this other girl at the hospital we talked, got freaky but we decided to just be friends. Then i met another girl at work (hospital), she flirted like crazy gave hints like telling me how gorgeous or cute i was and once said something about getting me drunk and taking advantage of me. But she was just a big flirt cuz i found out later that she wasn't interested in dating me...something about "maybe later" but *beep* that! That's kinda rude to say something like that but whatever.


So recently i met this other girl at work lol....the hospital is pretty big. And this is the first time i've let a girl get close to me in over a year. We talked for about two weeks, made out, little stuff like that. I met her mom and blah blah. Then like two days after imet her mom, she told her that I was too old for her and that she needed to stop dating older men. She has a history of this i guess. So that's how that ended.


But it's like i can get numbers and dates and what not but it hardly ever goes any further than that. They say i'm attractive, fun, and an awesome person but then there's this lame *beep* excuse about why they won't date me or someone else comes between us.


i'm about ready to just give up and start doing what I used to do. Run with every chick i see. I just don't understand why when i finally decide to set a committment with someone, something happens. I'm not conceded but i'm not a lil' girlie guy either. I think i'm too nice to girls. I was talking to one of my chick friends and she said i' need to start being an A-hole to girls to get 'em....anyone have any advice or just any thoughts on my situation or what i can do to change my fate? I'm so sick of getting all kinds of numbers and talking to all these girls and never really having a relationship. If no one has anything to say, thanx for lisetning anyway...

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Maybe you just need to spend time soul searching so that you'll know what type of girl makes you happy. When you are confident you will attract women who will want you.


About what your friend said, no girl wants an a-hole for a bf. If they do then they have emotional issues. Everyone wants to be treated nicely, but they don't want to be smothered either. But like I said before, spend time with you (alone, w/o a gf or a significant other) so you can build your own confidence and know what will make you happy.


Hope I helped!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just chill. It will happen eventually. It takes some people longer than others. For me it took a very long time, can u say YEARS....but it happened. Prior to that, I ran into a lot of wrong guys.


When I think about all the time I spent chasing guys, now that I am older, I realize that I could have put some of that effort into getting myself in order, more education or money, or spent more time with relatives that are now gone and I miss 'em. Time spent running around in circles for 'nutin honey.


I met my match about eight years ago, married 'em two years ago, and we are simply made for each other. And I met 'em two blocks from my house, and he lived about a thousand miles from me.


Enjoy yourself, do things you really want to do, hang out with people that you enjoy, be yourself. The oldheads used to say there is a pot for every lid. Don't sweat finding your pot, or your your lid, whatever side of that equasion you might be.


Running with every chick you see. Hmmmm, I never liked being called at chick, kinda made me feel like they couldn't appreciate a sho nuff lady anyho, and in my area lots of "chicks" have stuff they ain't got pills or needles 'fer, dude!

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