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is my girlfriend losing interest in me, i cant tell?

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My girfriend and i have been together for almost 3 months. We really hit it off wonderfully and we love eachother very much. We just had spring break and we both went on vacations to different locations and could not talk to eachother at all during the 10 days we were away. Before we left however, things were absolutely wonderfull. She said to me the night we before we both left, "promise me we will be together forever" and i said yes i promise. I didnt really take it seriously though. when we got back things were a little weird the first day so i asked her if something was bothering her and she said she thought it was weird since we were so serious and were both very young 16 and 18. She said she kinda freaked herself out by asking to be together forever. So i said ya thats fine i understand, you didnt really mean it, i told her that i didnt really take it seriously. But now shes acting different. Before we left she woudl always Instant message me on AOL instant messanger and say I LOVE YOU with all my heart, or something along those lines when i had an away message up. But she doesnt do that anymore. We have not talked on the phone at night this entire week, its been 4 days since we returned from vacation. Although she said we havent been talking because she has had lots and lots of hw, she had 7 tests this week. so thats understandable. last night i asked her to talk on the phone when we were talking aonline and she said she was too tired and needed sleep. and just little things like that she doesnt do anymore. She does not kiss me as much as she used to. Do you think this is just stress from school? or is she losing interest. its only been 4 days i think i may wait a little while longer before i take action like breaking up with her. She is just not doing the things she used to do and it is driving me away. please help, any comment is appreciated.

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First thing you could try is wait a few days and see if things get any better or worse.


If they get worse you need to confront her and ask her why things are different and if she really is losing interest. I dont want to scare you but it does sound liek she is, that is exactly what I did with my girlfriend when I started losing interest in her...


Talk to her, see whats going on in her mind.

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When I read that I was doing it from my point of view, I am a female who has had crisis of confidence over the way a guy has felt over me in the past, I wanted to hear all the nice things and was worried that after he had been away from me for a week he would have had time to think and realised he didnt feel how he thought he did. I know this is a little insecure but it happens sometimes. After 10 days of you not being there to reassure her and worrying about things she came back and you told her you hadnt taken her seriously, even if this is true and was how she felt it probably wasn't the nicest thing to hear and probably didnt make her feel great. Every woman likes to hear they are loved and cared about. It is very possible that she did mean what she said before she left and had a little freak out while away and instead of feeling reassured, what you said confirmed her worst fears. We tend not to say all these things if we dont really mean them so maybe she is feeling a little insecure and silly for saying it when you didnt take her seriously? I could be wrong but it would make sense to me. Try saying something along the lines of you are both very young to use words like forever but you do really care about her and reassure her that everything else you said was true. Good luck

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I gotta agree somewhat with the last post. I use to be one of those girls who always wanted to hear nice things from my boyfriends, but when I got it out of them I would loose interest. Like it was too easy for them to say this stuff. Maybe this girl you are seeing is just like I used to be. She may think she wants a realtionship, but is not ready for what you have to offer yet.

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