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First of all, your only 14, and you have your WHOLE LIFE ahead of you to make such serious decisions. I know when I was 14, these kinds of things were a big deal to me too... Want some honest advice?


Consider where she's moving, somewhere within the state... I don't consider this to be a major move, if she was moving cross country, I could see a reason for the split.

Second, I think that if you broke up with her now, while she's in a transitional phase in her life, it would only add to the grief of moving, she's forced to leave behind her friends, her neighborhood, her house, and her boyfriend wants to break up with her.... but lets try to stay positive. I also think its important that you discuss your feelings with your girlfriend as well. Ask her how she feels about things? What she think would be best? Tell her how you feel....


If you really care about this girl, and think you too can last a long time, it'll only be a matter of time before you both will have a license and be able to visit each other. So I do see hope for you guys.


Best of Luck in whatever you decide


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If you really like her, then you already know the answer! At least try to stay with her. Talk to your parents. See if there is any way you guys could get together and spend a day at the movies or something. If you guys fall out, then it wasn't meant to be. As miss_angel said, you'll have your license soon too, so you can go see her then. Good luck, and I hope things go well for you guys!

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