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Im Gonna Break Down plz HELP ME I cant take it anymore......

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I was just on the phone with my ex, he was being unusal. He started to yell at me...He told me to get my f**king act together or im gone. He was yelling at me so loud, I started to cry my eyes out. Then he started to yell I mean yell at him 10 year old brother and his mother really loud I was terrified to death I told my other friend that was on the line that im hanging up. He came back and was breathing really loud. He told me that he dont want me back so i best stop thinking that, and that hes sick of me, when hes the one calling me all the time. Then he went starting yellin at his mother I felt terrible and at his bro. I was to scared to speak he came back on and hung up the phone. Im so scared right now Im shaking and crying plz give me advice.......thanks


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Hello Kandi


Your post seems to lack a bit of detail, and info, you say you were on the phone with your Ex, why? are you trying to patch things up with him? or is he not leaving you alone?


Also its not very clear about the others involved.


The best advice i can give you right now with what I understand is, that, you have the power and the right, not to be hurt by this person, you shouldnt be treated like this by anyone, dont allow it!, dont call him, and dont answer his calls, period. thats it! you can also put a block on his number.

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ok sorry the person on the phone was my best friend. And na its weird, ok ummm....its not that he dont leave me alone, I wanted to talk to him and he wants me to change cuz I was a bi**h to him in the past but im sorry and im trying to change but whatever I do I try my best and he is in his lil world sayin im not tryin at all but I am.....

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Hello Kandi,


Thank you for your update here. I am sorry to hear that your best friend has been yelling at you. I understand that your frightened and scared.


First of all I believe that this young man is wrong in yelling at you. If my best friend would be yelling at me, I am sure to hang up on him, because that's crossing my boundaries and I don't put up with that. Although this is pure speculation, but could it be possible that he is very violent, too? Then for sure I would be very careful in calling him your best friend.


On top of that I am worried about him calling you names and that he thinks you should change. I am sorry, Kandi, but you are who you are. Changing yourself is not as easy done as it is said. Besides that, are you sure that you are a that? From what I have read, I see a very sensitive young woman, so I would reconsider his words.


You might want to stick around him, but I am not sure if all this will end for you. I tend to think that he will keep yelling at you and I am afraid of him getting more violent towards you. Couldn't it be better if you let him go and end this friendship?


I hope that this helped you and I wish you good luck in any decision that you make and that will work for you.


~ SwingFox ~

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alrighty, first off, i would like to point out that no guy should yell at a girl, let alone his mother. have you considered the possibility that maybe there is something really bad or hurtful going on in his life. you might gove him about a week and then call him and ask him if there is anything going on in his family that is hurtful to him that he would feel comfortable talking to you about. dont pressure him, just ask once. if he doesnt tell you then just leave him alone.


i am also very concerned about him maybe being violent too. you need to be very careful about what you say around him. i dont want him to hurt you.


also, is he your ex or your best friend? that is still kinda confused about it.


no matter who he is or how he has come to know you he should not be yelling at you. i mean i can see maybe fussing a little bit. and even complaining about the way he thinks you act, but if a guy ever yelled at me oh no no. that would be a sgnal for me to get out of that relationship.

i think you should do the same. get out while he is only yelling. because who knows when he could start getting violent. maybe you should give him more time to cool off before trying to talk with him. anyways just be careful!

im sorry that i couldnt help more. i wish i could.

i'll be here if you need me.


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ok he is an ex boyfriend but I dont know if id call him a best friend were just friends and na the other person on the phone was my best friend her name is Kayla I know its confusing but ok my ex is kind of a best friend to me its like the show Lizzie Mcguire were all 3 friends but not as ya know violent lol and if he ever hit me in anyway me and my best friend Kayla wouldnt allow it we would kill him he knows not to hit us he'll be gettin something in return lol

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