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How are you?


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Have you ever noticed how few people expect an actual answer when they ask such a caring question? Have any of you ever wanted to truly know how someone else was doing, good or bad? I always seem to. And the only explanation I found was that I'm an enfp. It fascinates me to put my shoes in another person's for a while, or try to help people physically and emotionally at all times, but when it comes to my own life, I don't seem to have a clue what to do.

I'm at a point where lots of changes have happened. I'm in a different state, different school, and practically lead a different life. I no longer have close friends that I get to see all the time. I moved closer to family, but they are all very active and busy and I only get to hang out with them during holidays (which are now all over I find myself struggling to simply be by myself and solely invested in "me." It is truly an odd concept for me and I've gotten into a hole where everything in life just seems...boring, stationary, and very routine. I find it hard to get excited about anything in my life. I notice this more often when I skype or have conversations with my friends about their eventful and social lives. I especially feel bad when I'm not truly happy for my best friend who has been able to thrive in her new environment. After having conversations like that, it leaves me with a ping of jealousy that turns into guilt and then self pity.

I haven't discussed any of this to anyone except a therapist I visited one time. I'm not one to really bring attention towards myself, especially when it comes to my emotions and feelings, but sometimes I really wish someone would sincerely ask me "How are you," and just listen to the honest answer.

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After my ex broke up with me about 5 months later just before her 30th birthday she sent me one of these text. I told her straight out that I have been drunk the whole time. She said "i don't want to know that", in which I replied "you asked, I told you the truth".


Why is it that women ask for the truth, but when you tell them the truth they don't want to hear it or believe it????

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Volunteering locally sounds like an excellent fit for you. Also joining some interest groups, clubs, discussion groups, etc on campus and off campus.

It fascinates me to put my shoes in another person's for a while, or try to help people physically and emotionally at all times.

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