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Okay, I know that I am doing NC, but I was really worried about my ex, as he didn't even contact his family yesterday for Easter. They called me asking if I knew how he was. I felt so bad for them, and even though this is his issue and his family, I still love them and him. Plus, they didn't break up with me, he did. They still call to see how I am doing and ask me to go places with them (I don't though, that would be too uncomfortable, but I do go visit his Mother occasionally).


Anyway, I was really worried and wanted to make sure that he was ok without sounding like I needed him/missed him. So I wrote this email and would like your opinion on it.




I figured that this would be the best place to get you, seeing as how you don't answer your phones or email now...DORK!


I just wanted to check and see how you were, did you have a good Easter? The Guineas got a lot of treats yesterday and it was Guineas Gone Wild all over again! I put treats all over the living room for them and let them go on a Treat Hunt! Puff found most of them, but then Daisy stole most anyway! LOL


Anyway, keep in touch, I don't have Leprosy or anything you know! LOL


Everything is going really good here, and I hope it's going good for you too!


*****(just my name, no love or anything).


Okay, so lay it on me people. Was this bad? I told his mom I would let her know if I heard anything from him. I didn't want him to know that I went over there yesterday (it's none of his business).

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Thank you so much for your fast reply Keefy, I'm so glad to see that I did good for once! LOL


I actually am feeling alot better lately. Happier. I still miss him and love him, but here come of lately, I've been watching alot of "love" movies and while those glorify love and make it very unrealistic, I realized how much from those I have been missing.


He didn't really treat me like I was his lady. He treated me more like a best friend with benefits. I know that he loved me, but was it enough for me? Maybe this is what was causing our problems? Maybe I was feeling the inadequacy of the relationship and was showing it subtle ways?


Who knows? I just know that now is my chance to meet the Mr. Darcy's of the world and see if one can love me "just as I am". LOL


How are things going with you anyway? How are you doing? I haven't had a chance to read your journal, I'm going there now.

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