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online dating

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This topic I think is seriously underrepresented in enotalone.

So here goes my question

what do you think of online dating? Did you try it? Any advice or horror/success stories?


I am thinking of subscribing to link removed, but also wanting others' input.


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Well, we have an entire category reserved for this subject, so I don't think its under-represented here at eNotalone. But at any rate, I think different people have different experiences with online dating.


I personally have had one or two good experiences, but for the most part, the people I met weren't normally people I'd seek out in "real life" to meet. I guess my overall opinion about online dating is that the odds are good - but the goods are odd.


Still, you always hear stories about people that met their "soul mates" through online dating, so it definitely works for some folks.

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So here goes, yes it can work but in the process you can meet some pretty off the wall people. You have ones in it just for sex, ones that want to get serious way to soon and your average amount of psychos and stalkers. just seriously be careful. On the up note I met my husband on one and we have been together 2 years now and we got married and just had a son together.


Its all about who you meet and how seriously you take it.

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Online Dating is simply another mechanism in which to communicate. Again, as in real life, if the two of you are willing to make the relationship work - then all well and good. More often than not though - its likely to be a long-distance relationship and that leads to practical problems.

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The only real advice I can give is to try it and decide for yourself.


Like any other way to meet people and get dates, experiences differ wildly. I've not found it a good way for me, but I don't regret trying it. Other people I know seem to get along very well with it.


Take time to evaluate and decide which sites to use, different sites are useful for different types of people and different locations so make use of any free searching etc. to decide if you want to part with any money.

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  • 1 month later...

I'd tried acxtual dating sites like Match. I got a few hits, and even met a guy a few times in person. But I ended up finding my treasure in a regular chat room. I really wasn't looking for romance. Neither was he. We just happened to spark each other's intrigue. We're getting married next year.

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Never tried the dating sites. I was actually one of those people who thought that those who got involved with online dating were weird.




But I met a guy through a mutual friend and, since he's on the West Coast and I'm on the East, we started getting friendly in IM. Then on the phone. Eventually, we met as friends and it evolved into romance. He's absolutely the love of my life, and the man I'm going to spend it with. We've been best friends for nearly three years now and together almost half that time.


For me, the key factor was that we had the chance to meet in person while we were still friends. I could not have fallen in love with him solely from the Internet or the phone. While it did help us get to know each other very well, and I adored the person he was even then, I knew that we couldn't even consider making it more until we'd spent time together in person as friends, at which point we could see whether there was genuine romantic chemistry, or if we were better off remaining friends.


We weren't... He's my best friend and my heart. I still caution people to be stingy with the word "love" until they've met their online prospective mate in person--but I also assure them that just because a pair may have met online, it doesn't mean it can't work in real life.

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