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She wants, and I do too, to go further


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Well, first off I'd like to say that I'm very happy: I just have a few questions.


Basically I wanted this chick who i had been friends with for around 2-2 1/2 years now. At the start of this year, (and I hadn't seen her for a while), I saw her again. Then I knew that I wanted her as more than just a friend. Ironically, so did she. Is that called love?


We still weren't going out, on the basis that we hadn't revealed to each other our feelings. About a month or two ago, she accepted my offer (finally!), and she had taken a while to 'think' about it.


Well, we hadn't really done any french kissing. Kissed on the lips a couple of times, hugging yes, fondling surprisingly yes, but I didn't have the balls to do it.


When I went over to her house a couple of weeks ago, I sat there, with her, in her room. She found it quite funny, because I would always talk dirty but never do anything. It took me about five minutes, but then plucked up the courage to fully kiss her. French kiss, yay! Now I know what all the hype is about!


The funny thing is, that she told me later, 'i sooo wanted to do something, but i was sick of initiating everything and i wanted to see you do something!'


There's a lot more passion in our relationship now, I think. This isn't a problem, but she wants, and I do too, to go further. I would happily finger her or 'eat her out', but she wants to give me a blowjob. I guess this would be awkward, but seriously, what am I supposed to do? Just roll with it? She tells me that she has given 2 guys head before.


What do you guys reckon?


p.s. persistence pays, I am living proof of that.

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Hi whinger,


Thank you for your update on eNotalone.com. It pleases me to see that you are very happy. I understand that you fell in love with your friend of 2.5 years, that you kissed her and that both of you are ready to take things a little further. However, you seem to find it awkward for her to give you a blowjob.


My first reaction was why? But I figured that it doesn't matter. My advice at all times in situations like this, is: if you don't feel comfortable over something happening sexually or if you're not ready then don't do a thing. You will get yourself hurt if you do it anyways. It looks like that you're still young. You have a lifetime starting anything. You don't have to rush things.


If you feel that you're ready and if you feel you would like to take things further, please do it safe and use a condom at all times.


Good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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Well, I say, just roll with it! Make sure your ok and shes ok with it, then just do it! Believe it or not, talking about it before hand helps alot, and brings you too closer, so I say just roll with it, and have a good time. Also, good luck on going down on her, its great!!

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