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well i posted earlier about my ex giving me threatening phone calls and the stresses of having to file a police report. I said that it was all too much to handle. The other day in class, my friends and i were talking. They all have boyfriends - and I am datingthis jerk whom I rarely speak to, but can't seem to let go of. They were talking and I said 'it's nice not having anyone...ya don't get phone calls late at night' - and then it hit. I had a minor anxiety attacks, which precipitated many more, that afternoon, which eventually left me screaming, crying, suicidal, moaning, etc. on my bedroom floor. I said to my mom calmly (they rarely take any notice of me...but in this situation had no choice) 'can you please take me somewhere'. They took me to a hospital - which was useless, other than the fact that they gave me some serious seditaves and i got a damn good sleep. today i woke feeling equally depressed, ashamed in these actions i feel i cannot control, and once again...extremely anxious. they brought me home, since the psych hospital didn't have enough beds, and so i just lay in my own bed, wallowing i suppose, and sleeping..it seems i cannot get enough of sleeping. i felt this comng on. now - i feel somehow i need to regain my sanity. unfortuently i have found solace in food, must quit that. my parents refuse to leave me alone, and for no reason, i have become completely furious with them, which leads me into a another 'stress attack'...i don't know what to refer to them as. the physical effects of this have led me down more...my body aches, especially my chest. i just wish i could erase what has happened, and dealt with my stress better. well anyway - theres my update. i needed to tel someone.

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Hello there. I just want to let you know how much I can relate to your feelings of anxiety. A couple of years ago I had a major panic attack that landed me in the hospital, just like what happened to you. I want to tell you that what you are feeling is acute anxiety--it is something many people suffer from--and it is precipitated by stressful events, poor diet, and can be genetic as well. I still suffer from anxiety, and have been talking to many people who have been able to help me.


One of the biggest things that has eased my stress is proper diet--lots of vitamin-rich foods like salmon, spinach, broccoli, fruits....I take vitamin supplements, especially Vitamin C, and I know that Vitamin B6 in combination with other supplements can gretaly ease anxiety. I have been leaning toward natural intervention because often prescription drugs are harsh for our systems or else might not have the desired effect.


I also have found that getting enough sleep, having enough time to relax...and enjoying a good laugh are crucial to my state of well-being.


I know that often we cannot always remove ourselves completely from stressful situations. Sometimes there are people in our lives who cause some distress in our lives--and it is normal to feel anxious and worried about what is happening in our lives.


You are definitely not alone in what you are feeling. Anxiety disorders are very common--and I think rather than a "disorder" pe se, anxiety probelms are just realistic reactions we sensitive souls have to an often-troubling environment...Our culture right now frequently fails to provide adequate social support for young people...there are a lot of confusing, stressful things swirling about in this modern world---Things are not cut and dry--conflicts arise--confusion occurs--stress runs rampant--And we often feel helpless as to how we are supposed to react to what comes out way.


You are taking a great step in coming here and talking about your feelings. Many of us here understand deeply what you are going through because we have been there--we have lived through the pain.


Like you, my stress causes my whole body to ache, especially my chest. I have spoken about this to many people, and a lot of kind souls have sought to help me...I know how overwhelming anxiety can be--to the point of these terrible attacks that can be extremely terifying--


It helps to find a very supportive soul who can listen without judgement--it helps to read about anxiety, understand the sources of stress in your life, and discover ways to reduce the stress.....It is best to find ways that help you, because we are all unique and uniquely respond to different things.


I hope this has helped in any way. I just wanted to let yo know how much I understand, and that it is okay to feel scared and upset......that means something needs healing, and you will find this healing since you have called out--we are here to be part of this healing.


Storms roll into our lives......in these storms we reach otu and find our help...and hold tight to each other until the calm....During the storms, our strongest bonds are formed.....Bless you......

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