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How to get over dating nerves....


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Over the last month I have gone out with about 2 girls ( a record for me) for one date, but each time I get soo nervous that I just end up acting really quiet and weird! Not surprisingly, the girls are not interested after that...


Im starting to wonder if Ive got aspergers or some other personality disorder

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Nah, I don't think so. Dating is nerve-wracking for everyone. I suspect that you don't have a lot of experience going on dates, so try to keep in mind that it geats easier the more practice you get, just like everything else in life. Don't give up. If you are feeling really nervous ask your date questions about themselves. This will take the pressure off of you as they are doing most of the talking, and everyone responds positively when someone shows an interest in them. Just keep in mind that a good date has a balance of who is doing the talking and who is asking questions. This is just to help you get over those akward moments when you feel like you have nothing to say.


Try to be yourself, and have fun!

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Well instead of making it some kind of formal date why dont you lead up to it. Start off small with them and get to know them better before you go on the date with them. That you get a chance to become comfortable around them. If you still believe that you are too quiet then why dont you learn to listen and ask good questions. If you ask good enough questions then you will only have to respond what they say and thats not challanging. The idea here is that you want to get them talking so the pressure is off of you.

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I think listening is an art that most guys have not yet mastered. To really listen, you have to be sincere in what the person is saying, be sympathetic, good eye contact, and most of all, smile when appropriate. If you really do learn to listen, you'll have all the subjects to talk about. Hope it helped.

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