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I dont know if she likes me or not! please help.

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hey well basically i dont know if this girl likes me or not.


Her name is nat, and i have known her a while but im not sure if she likes me or not.


Well firstly ive known her for ages now, about 2 or 3 years, and ive really started to like her alot, i think shes amazing. But i dont know if she likes me and this is why.


We speak now and then, and when i do i like her more and we both went to a party on monday. I was determined to show her i like her at this party but i dont know if it worked. I was talking with hr alot, giving her hugs but i dont know if i flirted with her enough, i dont have any confidence in myself but we got on none the less. we were just chatting like talking to her as a friend, but i think i didnt do enough.


When everyone started going sleep i sleept right next to her and we were talking until like 5 in the morning both high and a lil drunk. But still nothing happened, i blame myself i should of done somthing . And when she went home in the morning i did not hug her which i feel really bad about!


After that i had to see her or talk to her because we have 2 weeks off college so i asked my friend for her mobile number and ive started to text her, but somtimes it seems like im speaking to a wall, yeah she always replies but i dont feel like she wants to. But another thing is its nat, shes kinda like that lol, today we were texting about 4 hours but i still dont know if she likes me in that way or not .


Can anyone help? like advice or anyhingis welcome, i dont really like talking to my friends about it they just basically say "Grow some balls and ask her" which is not great advice. Please help!!!

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Well thats a clear sign texting for 4 hours wow pretty long time. I say she likes you. How about ask her to a movie or a night out in town? Lol your friends advice is not that great. Anyway just keep talking to her and when you feel the time is right just simply ask her out to a movie or something you and her can hang out and talk over things.

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well i asked her after texting for ages, but she said she thinks she going town with her mate tomorra because they didnt today (which is true) ,she said sorry and i just like told her its ok and not to worry, we carried on talking but im still not sure, if she does like me, then she kinda hides her emotions or somthing.


i hope she likes me i dont know if i cant stand losing another girl .

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If the girl likes you, she will want to spend ANY time with you possible. No exceptions. I guess she isn't interested man. It's ok, there's a lot of women out there.


Y'know, for a 14 year old guy metallicaguy seems to be able to understand girls alot better than some of the like, 50 year old guys on here (coughal7cough).

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or she just doesnt want to stand her friend yup?


and way thats not true lol, shhhh your 14 i know what she is like i have known her a while.


i had a dream bout her last night, damn... makes oyu like them more... damn dreams!


lol anyway its my birthday tomora so i think im gunna hrow a party tomorra and see if she comes or not. time will tell.

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