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heartbroken...what's going on?

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about a week or so ago I posted a topic, "my dilemma"...well everything seemed to be going well. But then last ngiht she sounded weird while I was on the phone with her. I knew something was wrong. Then out of no where, she said that she feels that we arn't going anywhere. That it feels more like a friendship. I just don't get it, where is she planning on it going? What's so wrong with enjoying the time we have together and seeing where it leads us? We're young, why can't we just explore that? she says that she loves me but she's not in love with me.

ugh, I haven't slept or eaten. I've cried for the past 24 hours straight. I'm sick of people asking what's wrong, because I start thinking of her and start crying again. Everything reminds me of her. I can't stand this pain, I don't know what to do. Should I call...let it go and try to still be friends?

I need advice quick please.


thank you,


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I'm sure she loves you, but both of you are still young & she is perhaps wondering like any normal person how it may be like to be with other people to make that comparison. That is why hardly any highschool relationships last past highschool. I know it sounds painful, but you will have to try to place yourself in her shoes & respect any decision she makes whether it be to continue or break off the relationship. I believe that if you 2 were to be together later on in the future then it will happen later on. But the timing is off at this moment & there is no guarantee of a future for you 2 yet. Try your best to be strong for yourself since the only person who can really take care you best is yourself! And if you aren't strong then how can you possibly take care of her as well?

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She probably does care for you. It really sounds like she's questioning her sexuality and may not be sure if an alternative lifestyle is for her. That is ok. You both are young. I know it hurts to get your heart broken and have someone let you know that they don't feel the same way that you feel towards them. It happened to me just three months ago and I'm still not over it. Heartbreak is hard and it hurts.


It may be good to distance yourself from the situation for a while. Maybe try no contact if she's all you think about right now. Spend time with other friends, take up pottery or yoga. Right now you need to pamper yourself, think and take care of yourself, and you will meet someone wonderful who cares for you as much as you care for them. Cry when you need to, but don't dwell on how to win her back or what might have been. Just let yourself feel the pain for a while, let it pass, then move on, and do some things for yourself. Then maybe you will be prepared to think about a friendship with this girl and not be resentful or wishful.


Good luck and keep us posted!

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thank you Ballys adn passions1,

I think that's what I'm going to do, distance myself for awhile. She says she still wants to be friends if anything. But right now I don't tihnk I can do that, cause she's all I can think about.

I'll keep you posted.


thanks again,


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