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hey everybody,


i just wanted to know a few things. Lets say you have have an std of some sort...will it show up after a small period of time? Like if someone has the Herpes virus...does it show up after a short period?? Do you get symptoms...if so, what are they?? I'm just curious about all of this...thanks.

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Hey, ya richgabe is right, u may never get sores but u could still pass the virus to other people. I f u are worried at all about having something the best thing to do is just go get a check up. Lots of stds can cause serious complications if not treated and many people have no symptoms but are infected. U can go to ur doctor and get checked or most citys will have an std clinic, just go get a check up if u are worriend and they will get u treatment if u are infected with anything, thats ur best bet.

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It depends on what type STD it is. Some like herpies may never show itself but you can still spread it. Others will show over time, maybe 6 months to 10 years. Now body lice, AKA "Da Crabs" will definatley show almost immediately. I know from first hand experience, got them 3 times one summer off the same chick

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There are many kinds of STD's. If you are worried about your situation, please go to a clinic and get yourself tested on all of them.


You ask about the symptoms. Well, as many posters have answered here, it is very well possible that there are no symptoms at all.That holds for chlamidya (which can make you infertile), for gonnorhea, and in the more severe case, HIV (which will eventually express itself in AIDS, but that can take years)


That's why I'd recommend a test as soon as possible after an unsafe sexual contact. For HIV there is a period of incubation, in Holland it is commonly to test after 3 months at least after the last unsafe contact.


I think link removed is a good website, where you will find more specific answers.


Be careful, girl! Carry a condom around, and always make sure your partner has one on during sex as long as the both of you have not been tested and proven 100% free of STD's.



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