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HELP. What is your opinion on this?

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First off I'm going to start off by saying I don't identity as part of the gay community. I am a straight woman and I don't have any sexual attraction towards the same sex and I am pro love.


A friend and I were having a intense conversation about sexuality. I know little about the subject beyond heterosexuality. The conversation then went on to identifying sexuality. This discussion made me realize that I am not attracted to the same sex but if I found the right person (7 billion people) I would be open to having an emotional/ strictly romantic relationship with the same sex. This realization has got me weirded out because it's uncharted territory and a realization within myself that I never explored and I don't really want to. I've always been attracted to guys 100% mentally, sexually and emotionally.


It also has weirded me out a bit because of the I was starting to realize that it wasn't all about sex with me and I feel like I could have a strong non sexual romantic relationship with the same sex and be content. I imagine this being a strong friendship that is a passionate non sexual relationship. I did some reading about the subject and it talked about women in the 1700s or around that time having passionate friendships that aren't sexual and don't go beyond a kiss on the lips or cheek.


I'm curious to know your opinion on the subject. Can someone have a successful relationship without the sexual aspect of it. Would this be bisexual? Since the population is so large should we keep our decisions narrow or be open to whatever is thrown. Is it in human nature to have sex as part as relationship.



Just wanna know your thoughts.

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