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nearly 3 weeks ago my bf of 11months broke up with me, i found it hard at first cos he did it by text n i didnt really no y he did. he said he wanted permanent space and to be single.


that night we split he wen out n 'got with' this other girl, i didnt have a problem with that and the next night he text me saying he was sorry and that he broke up with me cos he fell out of love with me and that there will always be a space in his heart for me. i wasnt really talking to him as i was angry and upset. after i week i found out he was going out with this girl i was a bit hurt and confused i guess cos i thought he wanted permanent space.


after 2 weeks of not being/speaking to him we started talking again. he kept asking me to hug him, and he kept saying sorry and i agreed to be friends. when i left him and got home i had a text from him saying - "what i wanted to say was i love u and i wud love to have u back but i have lost my chance now" sort of thing. after a few more messages like and saying his relationship is **** and that he doesnt want this girl.we agreed friends still.

next day he sed if he broke up with his new gf wud i take him back, but then said he told his friends he wanted me back and they laughed, he also said if it was ok with me to go slow and not get to serious.


wel this monday just gone he gave me another reason why he left me saying he felt like he was rearranging his life for me and he thought that what he wanted but he doesnt our relationship was going to far so he wants to be good friends.


last night another txt saying - "today was weird, everytime i saw you i wanted to kiss you. you looked gorgeous today."


what does this al mean? what does he want? hes saying one minutes he wants to be friends then stuff like that the next?

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To me it seems that he is manipulating you big time. Hes testing you to see how much of a doormat you are. Can he break up with you and go off with another girl, have his fun and say sorry and have you take him back. How many times can he get away with treating you badly but tell you that you are gorgeous. Can he hug and kiss you and you still accept that you are single.

Why did he say his friends laughed at the suggestion that he take you back?


I think the answer to that would tell alot.

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i dont know whether its that or what, i do sort of think that he does want me back he has been saying to others thats what he wants too. im just a bit confused cos i do miss him but dont think i would take him back cos it would neva be the same. then i think maybe hes a bit messed up in the head doesnt know what he wants. do u think i should ask him why his friends laughed?

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