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1/2 way through the semester & she's caught my attention

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It only means that she looked at you!!! Don't read into things. It will twist your brain.


Like you said, the worst thing that can happen is that she doesn't want to give you her number. You'll hurt for a few days, but then, it will be over, and you'll find some other interesting girl.


Talk to her on wednesday!!! good luck!!!

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I do that all the time. I always anaylize things to death. I'm just trying to figure out if this girl likes me or not. I know what you are all saying. "Just go up to her and talk to her" That's all I ever hear, but when your rejected 99% of the time you tend to be careful, at least that's how I am. It's very rare and I mean rare when a girl likes me and I like her and we are both single. So I'm just trying to figure out if she is giving me any signals that she is interested in me. I always get the signals wrong. If she's just looking at me and it means nothing then I have no clue about girls and their signals they give to show a guy they are interested in him. I'm no good at this, lol.

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I think if she sticks her tongue down your throat, that's a signal. But, random looks in the hallway.... you can't really tell. Sometimes, I've taken a double take at guys on the street because I thought that they looked like someone i know, or because I think they're hot, or because they're so ugly, I didn't know it was possible for anyone to be that ugly, so i have to take a second look!


I dunno - she may think you're cute, she may not, but she can't really like you or not like you until she gets to know you. So, talk to her!

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Well I had a chance to talk to her and I was going to ask her for her phone number after class was over. We were going the same way and I was going to wait until we were outside were tehre would be less people and she went a different way and before I knew she did, it was too late. She was gone. I tried looking all over campus to see if I could find her because I was determined to ask her for her phone number and talk to her and I could not find her at all.


I feel so bummed out right not and I don't think I have what it takes mentally to wait another 5 days before I see her again. I feel like crap like someone just broke up with me or like a family member died. It sucks and I really don't know why I feel so down and depressed. I think it would be better though if I was rejected rather to having to not know what will happen I'm just so tired of it and I don't think I will make it til Monday to see her again.


I feel like the more that I wait to ask her for her phone number and the less opportunities I have to talk to her the more likely I'll miss out on a great girl and someone else will ask her out. I just feel so horrible right now

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