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Questions about recovering

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Well to make a long story short, I planned to kill myself last june. The date was picked and all, then my parents found out and I chose not to go through with it.


Once my day came and went I felt very odd. Now I moved away and every now and again the thought of just getting up and jumping out my window crosses my mind. It still really tears me up that I set a date, it had a lot more psychological impacts than I ever thought it would.


I was just wondering if there's anyone here that's been/going through the same thing as me. If so how did you recover fully from these feelings and what helps?


Also I just want to say that I think its really amazing that every topic thats on this board gets a few replies. I think its really important that people try to help others when they're feeling low. Keep up the good work guys.

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yeah i go through the same thing to every now and then. I dont plan dates though! i overcame some of my suicdal attempts by talking to my best friend and even though i felt useless, nothing in this world is right for me, ugly, un loved, hated he boosted my confidence up. and he said to me which helped me alot was 'whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger' and it has made me very strong! even though i do sometimes feel like ending my life but at the end of the day every one wishes that at some point! also everything happens for a reason. And i know if i had killed myself i wouldn't of met my amazing boyf who loves me so much and gives me all the love i need and is my only family! and remember once you kill yourself u cant ever come back!

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I haven't been through what you have been but I was pretty upset/depressed when my 6year relationship broke down. I think that time is a good healer together with doing new exciting things in your life; hence you have something to look forward to.


I am glad you didn't go through with killing yourself. Have you spoken to someone about your feelings?

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When I was in high school I made several plans to kill myself. I don't know what stopped me each time... Fear I guess... The fear of not being able to take it back. What helped? The last thing I wanted- talking. After seeing a string of psychologists, I finally decided to give in, answer their stupid questions and get them off my back. It turns out that talking about those stupid things really helped.


And being officially diagnosed helped a lot too- no one ever accused me of being a drama queen or of just lashing out to get attention anymore. Now I could prove that the things I was dealing with were serious and important and not just for attention. And then they could be treated. I was only on medication for three months over summer break, and I never, EVER had a problem again.

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Well the biggest part is finding the RIGHT medication for you. I was lucky to get the right one on the first try. And, if anything, the medication REALLY evened me out! I was more ME than I had been in... God, I don't even know when! I had been such a mess for so long... Anyway, I suffered no sideffects, either physically or emotionally. The hardest part was sticking with it for the first two weeks or so, because at first you don't see much of a difference because the medication has to build up in your system. But when you do start to see the change, it's apparent and really very liberating!

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I feel the same way and I'm constantly setting dates but I never even try, I always end up finding someone to talk to. My suggestion is find a friend that won't mind you calling them at crazy times and whever you feel like you could just get up and jump out a window call them instead it could be as simple as saying hi, I love you, or whatever comes to your mind. If you feel like talking about it you can if not you can talk about something else for a few minutes. If this can't be done, then find something you can just pick up and start doing everytime you get a suicidal thought pick that up and keep yourself busy with it. The urges usually don't last to long.

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