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Ok well i have been doing NC for 2 weeks now. I decided to do NC becasue 2 weeks ago, me and my ex hungout, and I found out that she had already started dating a new guy. SHe said she had only went on one date wiht him thouhg. Well its been one month since we've been broken up, and half of that has been NC. Ever since I did NC though, she has constantly tried to talk to me, as if she cant stand not talkin to me. She emailed me basically right away after jsut a couple days .. asking me why i havent been talking to her and whats up. Well I didnt email her back, but everytime I am on MSn, teh second I log on, and shes online, she will immediately message me, and I can guarantee this every tiem it happens. I never respond though. She has told me she still cares about me, btu when we broke up she told me she didnt feel the same way about me, lie she did before. What do you guys think this is all about? Im very confused, and I want to almsot break NC too find out why she is so desperate to talk to me. ANy advice guys and gals?

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Well it does seem like she is awfully interested in you. Could be that she just wants to make sure you are still there for her in case she changes her mind.


If she is not saying anything about getting back together in those messages of hers to you, I would suggest to keep on doing NC. If she wants you back she is gonna say something. If she does not, than she probably does not want to get back together, but just keep you as her safety blanket. And in that case, it is better for you to have no contact with her anyway.


So I would say continue NC, it's a win-win situation.


Good luck!

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Hi Pal,


i agree with the previous poster. She sounds that she is still interested to be with you.


If she is the one whom broke up with you in the first place, then she should be the one who tells you that she still likes you. If you are the one whom wanted to break up, maybe you need to reconsider your option again. (just case, you miss someone who is truly in love with you).

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Well she broke up with me. However, I dont know what she watns when she messeges me casue I nevr respon back. Does it even matter if shes messeging me for general chit-chat? The fact that she is predictably messeging me teh second i come online shows that she prolly misses me and wants and is still interested?

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