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Another poem


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Hey Everyone

I wrote this one today, it was sort of a ruch job so it's not very good. I hope you like it anyways.


She walks on the beach

The wind in her hair

The sand on her bare, white feet

She about life

Her parents and friends

And how the torment never ends

She thinks of her crush

His eyes and his smile

The way he speaks

And his fashion style

When he didn't show

She knew she must go

She sits on the beach

She looks out to sea

This endless blue

Sparkling in the sun

Why doesn't he care

Why is life not fair

She walks out to sea

With an expressionless face

She walks and she walks

Till she can walk no more

She submerges her head

Then lays on the sea bed


does any one have any ideas of a name for it?

Also please can I have some responses on whether it's good or not??



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thats a good poem - especially for someone so young. I'm thinking you should use some metaphors with the water, or the sand, or the wind, or the waves..or something like that..i wish i could give u an example but im having a block lol. What does this line mean: "she submerges head"..?Titles? ummmm...'Peaceful torment'?? Gosh, im sorry that wasn't very good. Btu anyway, it was a good poem - keep up the good work!

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