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Someone please give me there advice or comments thnx:)

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Ok,I need some help here,I am moving on from my ex now and I am trying my hardest to keep up with it and not turn back like I have so many times,We broke up and now we are not talking.He told me to leave him alone and that if he wanted to talk he would call,The thing is I have heard that so many times and it has hurt me so many times to think that is or could be the last time we ever speak again and it killed me but now I am so tired of hearing it and tired of trying everything I could when along he was fine and basically already moved on probably,That dont hurt me that he is happy it hurts me that he played me and made me believe things that mabe I should have never believed,I always believed what he told me because I loved him but now the way he treats me is not cool and looking back the ways he treated me in the relationship were not good either,I do know I had faults in the relationship as well I am not saying it was just him but sometimes I fear he wont call me anymore and that is because it's happened so many times that he said he would not and always ended up doing it,I guess my question is what do I do to keep strong?Where do I start at?I am afraid to move fully on because of things that have been going on during breakup and afraid to go back to where I was again because im scared of the feeling I get when this happens,What I am basically trying to say is that I think im ready to try and I want to know the best ways to do this!!I find myself scared and always filled with fear now because of the mind games and I dont like it,I just dont know what is right from wrong and I do believe there are ways to fix this but how do I undo what has been done?.....Anyone have there opinion I would greatly appreciate it

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First trying to make yourself stronger before jumping into the dating scene anytime soon. Find out what motivates you in life to find what are potential career interests if necessary, take up new hobbies/classes/languages. Whatever to keep you busy & what you actually enjoy so that you don't think about your ex as much. Especially hanging out w/ friends & family is a must, they are your support network that will get you far in life regardless. Be an independent thinker of all time regardless of what people tell you, develop the self-confidence & have that positive, optimistic attitude. Once you figured out the basics, you can only grow & continue to evolve from there. Then when you have developed yourself as an independent strong woman, then you will attract men who will treat you with the quality you deserve!

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It's simple. Be yourself.


Do what you want to do, when you want, and be you!


And if you have doubts about you, try find yourself again. get back into old hobbies, hang out with friends, whatever you used to do..


and someone who sees you who you for truly are will find you, and fall inlove with you!....

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It's simple. Be yourself.


Do what you want to do, when you want, and be you!


And if you have doubts about you, try find yourself again. get back into old hobbies, hang out with friends, whatever you used to do..


and someone who sees you who you for truly are will find you, and fall inlove with you!....


Best advice anyone can give. Just be yourself, don't pretend to be someone else in order to please someone, it will only fall apart in the end. I'm glad to hear you're trying to put this guy behing you ang3l2004. My only advice is the advice already given. Do things that make you happy. It's what helped me in part to get over my ex. It does work. Oh and exercise doesn't hurt either, whenever I think about my ex, I exercise until I'm to the point that I'm too tired to care. Does wonders for your self confidence to.


Be Strong Ang3l! I know you can get through this!

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You need to remember that you had a life before him and you can live after him too. It won't be easy but you just remind yourself that YOU matter and that nobody deserves to be treated the way he treated you. If he loved you he would have wanted to protect you, not be the cause of so much pain.


You should have someone who treats you the way you want to be treated. Don't settle for less than that.


Pamper yourself right now---it really helps and surround yourself with friends and family..... and try not to look back but keep moving forward.

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Thankyou so much for your help really you all have helped me through alot of rough times and hard times and times when I was hurt and sad and I still am but I am just so tired and drained from this and to sit here and think about it I always believed believed believed and everytime I got hurt and over and over again was doing the same things well I am going to be me now its going to be hard but im going to try like I dont know what to be strong about this and do what I have to do from here on out

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