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normal to date during the day?

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The girl I asked out said she is available but only during Friday afternoon. Its pretty clear she already has plans for friday night, but at least she's giving me the opportunity to take her out. I've never been on a date , let alone a date during the day! (in fact this isnt really a date, were just going for coffee). I'll just get to the point, the time is set to be around 2-3pm and I have no idea if we should do something after we go for coffee. It's just taking her home at 4pm after a date seems odd. I would like to do something else other than coffee, if possible. anyone w/ any ideas as to what fun things we can do at that time of day? I was thinking seeing a movie (either after or before coffee) but the idea of watching it during the day seems strange. I guess the good thing is that if we go see a movie, the theatre wont be jam-packed. I thought it was only freaks who see movies mid-day? lol Thanks!

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well how bout u think of some cool places near where the coffee place u plan on going is. im talking about places that arent cliche like movies or stuff. think big man! lemme give u an example. theres a tim hortons nearby(tim hortons=big coffee chain fer u non canadians ) now near this place, theres a lil road that leads off. if u get the right angle u can see an entire valley under you, almost.

but u get what im sayin rite? someplace that will really stick in her memory. someplace out of the ordinary. take ur coffee to go! go for a walk thru the park or smthin. make in interestin.

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boredguy: thats an excellent idea! I may actually consider going to a park for a walk or find a childrens playground ... the only problem is the sub-zero temperatures here in Toronto. maybe we can go to a mall and window shop? i'll try to think of some more creative ideas!


prosper: ironically, we work for the same bookstore company, just different branches. Thats how I met her. A bookstore is the last place she'll probably want go on a date. Although that is a terrific idea!

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