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GF broke up with me after 11 months

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I have been with my GF for about 11 months, We always had a good time together. The relationship was always equal as far as giving. The start of Febuary she became cold after a road trip to Oregon I thought we had a great time. She expressed after the trip that she needed her space that her life was to full at this point. She claimed things would be different if I moved to the same town as her instead of living 35 miles away So I moved about 10 minutes from her. I became invasive (sp) on her space from what I now know. She always told me from the start of this relationship that she might pull this (space issue) and break up with me and to tell her that was not a acceptable answer and give her time. We broke up on May 15th I have seen her twice since then once to pickup my stuff and another I stopped by and we watch TV for a few hours and talked and showed me a video of her dog in a show that she went to.

She started playing around by throwing water on me not alot but a little while laughing and smiling.

She let me sit close and play with her feet. I left that night and did not make any advances as far as sex no kissing etc just a hug and left.

I have sent flowers to her work expressing that I will always be here as a friend and that I care deeply about her. She has told me that if we can't be friends she would kick my ass. She has told me she loves me. I want her back. She has made it very clear there is no one else. I feel so alone without her.

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Hey.. well I am a chick and my bf did the same thing about 4 mnths ago. We had been dating for 11 months and he was my world. What can I say... being alone sucks, but in the end you learn who your real friends are.. and whatever doesnt kill you makes you stronger!


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I think you need to 1.) Continue to give your girlfriend some space and 2.) Once she has allowed you back in her life again, take it slow. Also, don't sit around and wait for her to come back to you. Go out and have fun, enjoy yourself, do things that you enjoy doing. Good luck to you.

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