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In need of support or reassuring words.

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Hi guys, today I went to have a sonogram due to chronic, persistent sharp pains in my right side front and back, and down my right leg. I've also been experiencing other troubling symptoms recently, including fatigue, vaginal discharge and pain during intercourse (depending on position), irregular menstruation, diarrhea, did I mention the pain? I had a CAT scan done at the ER in late September because of these pains, and an ovarian cyst was discovered on my left ovary (surprisingly, not my right). My regular doctor diagnosed me with 'Irritable Bowel Syndrome', but I've never been satisfied with the diagnosis. It seems like a category they've stuck me in because they can't pinpoint the exact problem. My OBGYN put me on birth control pills to regulate my menstruation, in the hopes the cyst would dissolve on its own.


Today the sonogram has shown that the cyst has not dissolved and in fact seems to be getting larger. My one ovary is completely enflamed and may need removal. I'll have more definite answers to my testing results in a week, but I'm terrified if the cyst is a tumor. Many tumors are benign and usually handled through surgery, and malignant tumors are extremely rare in women below age 50. But I'm still terrified because I know how dangerous ovarian cancer is.


I'm so scared at this point because I've been dealing with this pain for over a year now, with people saying it's all in my head, or doctors taking the watch and wait approach. I just need to calm down and keep my head clear until I get more definite answers next week. Any support would be deeply appreciated at this point. I feel like I'm going out of my mind waiting for more conclusive results.

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No, Ovarian cancer doesn't run in my life, which is a great relief. My father however, is lactose intolerant and suffers from many digestive complications. Whatever he eats goes right through him, he can spend hours in the bathroom. My cousin on my mom's side also suffers from Crohn's disease. I think this is what may have lead my regular doctor to suspect something along the lines of IBS for me. I have been under enormous stress the past two years, with a failing engagement, living overseas with my fiance, and adapting to a new culture, and in general suffering from major anxiety and depression. Consequently my health began to suffer as well, and it has really thrown my body out of wack. I was also REALLY stupid and didn't seek medical attention immediately when I first began experiencing weird symptoms. (I have an irrational phobia of doctors and hospitals). My mom has always been against doctors as well, and I never even went to an OBGYN until I was in my early 20's.


Right now I am just very, very concerned because of poor decisions on my part, my health has suffered. I have a HUGE fear of cancer and knowing that I have a cyst which is not dissolving on its own, even with the help of birth control pills, is making my fear escalate. I keep telling myself to relax. At this point, the chronic pain in my right side has been affecting my quality of life because it flares up and becomes excruciating at times. Then my mind starts running into a panic attack, and I begin fearing the worst again.

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I would suggest you take an active role in getting the proper medical attention, and even more, an active role in getting your emotions to settle down. Meditation on a daily basis, and relaxing for a certain amount of time can be a great help. So, too, is laughter. Laughter therapy is well-known. See if you can't get a hold of I Love Lucy reruns, or whatever will get you laughing. The power of the mind to promote health in the body is only recently getting the proper attention. The more you can remove the fears and tension, and build a positive determined attitude, the better you will be able to heal.


Speedy recovery.

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Cyst are very common in females and usually not cancer. The thing is that if it gets large enough it can cause bowel ubstruction and cause irriatable bowel syndrome. It can also explain the pain in your back as well as some of the other things you mentioned. I had this and had it removed and was perfectly fine. I went on to have 2 kids and my third is due any day now. So I wouldn't get extrememly worried. My OB GYN said I would never have kids it would never be normal yada yada....it all turned out ok and the cyst did not come back. That is not to say it may never, but you just deal with it when it happens. Good luck.

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Hi everyone, thank you so much for the reassuring responses and encouragement. It helps put my mind at ease.


Hazlcha, you provide some excellent advice, and yoga is something that I've been looking to delve into for a while now. Do you meditate yourself, and have you any recommendations for a beginner?


Cleverme, it's great that you were able to prove your OB GYN wrong! Congratulations on your newcoming baby. Did you experience a lot of pain with your cysts before surgery? Also, what type of surgery did you undergo?

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I do meditate, and it is a wonderful time of day. I use a very simple form of mantra meditation. I sit quietly and comfortably in a chair for around five minutes while I consciously release all of my muscle tension from my feet straight up through my head and back down my shoulders and arms.


Then I close my eyes and start repeating a mantra. It could be anything meaningful, such as "I am good" or "Focus" or whatever you connect to. It can be something religious, spiritual or motivational. It should be short, so you can whisper it on the exhale. I do that for about 10/15 minutes, and continue to feel waves of relaxation. My breathing slows, and I get to what's called the "Relaxation Response," when your body is truly quiet and you feel almost like floating.


At that point, I sometimes direct my thoughts to questions I may have, or understanding I may need. I also give myself suggestions, such as "I am getting stronger/nicer/more relaxed/etc.." These do carry over into the whole day, and I feel I've grown a lot as a person from this.


Hope this helps, and you continue to feel better.

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