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Just when I thought I was over her....

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Well this past weekend I wasn't having the very best day. First Some guy scrapes the side of my car trying to back out of a parking lot then it's raining like crazy. So I decide to go out with my buddies to a club and hangout and have soem drinks. First thing I went in and everything seems fine. I run in a couple of friends and one of the girls wanted to to introduce me to a friend of her's. She says I want to introduce you to someone, she looks exactly like your ex. I was like what??? are you serious... why would I want to do that? Anyways she brings her over and we meet and no... to me she's looks nothing like my ex. Anyways while I was talking to the girl... my buddiy behind me says to me forget about her forgot about your ex... not in those exact words but it won't let me type what he actually said. I was like huh?? what are you talking about this isn't my ex this is so and so... he was like no idiot I know what your ex looks like, she just walked pass behind you. My heart just dropped, I was kinda in shock... I was like no way... not today! I tried to watch out and avoid her and saw her maybe twice that night. She was acting like she didn't even see me or even knew me. It was crazy, once as i was walking down the stairs, she was walking up and we just kept moving like strangers. I was so sadden that after 3 years together that the first time we run into one another she couldn't even acknowledge me or even a smile or a wave or anything.


After that I kept hearing about her from random people. How they see her out and about with other guys. The thing that got me is that her friend told me that she said " I don't think it's really gonna hit me that I've lost him, until I find out he's seeing soemone else" The thing is her friend told her I've been seeing other people and she got upset. She was saying how she had me first and etc. But her friend told her that she had no right to be upset since she's the one whom left me. Another weird thing is after our last argument she blocked me on instant messaging. After the day she saw me at he club and she had that little talk with ehr friend... all of a sudden I'm no longer blocked on AIM. We haven't contacted each other in anyway, but seeing her name on the list kinda bugs me. I always wanted for us to remain friends or at least be civil with one another.


The past couple of days, I've been feeling a little depressed and been thinking about her a lot lately. I feel myself missing her and thinking about how she is and what she's doing. Even going out with other girls like I've done before to forget her doesn't work anymore. Everytime I hold or even look at someone else... I hope to see her face smiling back at me, but it never is and it feels like it's crackng my heart piece by piece..like before.

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There really isn't much to add to the advice given last time you posted about her. It seems she is still playing head games. Refuse to join in.


Don't listen to what friends say - mostly they get it wrong or are part of the game.


It really is time to move on without caring what she does, what she says, what she feels or evern where she is.


You need to do this for yourself.

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