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I stayed away for a while to get things to cool down...

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and when I had to go back to school to finish my own work, I saw him. His face turned beet red with ANGER!!!! It was in the East Reading room, where I hang out when I'm there. He is typically in another room on the same floor. What gives? What is wrong with this fella? We have not spoken to each other for SEVEN months! I broke it off entirely with him in July because he went home and said he was seeing someone else. No discussion, no nothing. It was his SECOND chance, and I decided enough is enough.

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Well, he did quit the relationship without telling me, and then went out with someone else. So both of us girls felt like he was doing a cheat thing. I told the other girl I'd been seeing him too. BUT this did NOT break them up! And he DENIED dating her in emails he sent me, even when her pals told me that he was totally dating her. My thing now is this: Why now? Why do this at the eleventh hour? He is graduating in May, or at least he's supposed to. PLUS, we have not been a couple since July of LAST year! I've only spoken to him briefly on the IM and not that for about four months...we were trying to remain friendly, but I cancelled it out. I just didn't feel comfortable with the way he's consistently treated me.


I will say that he's done some bad deeds to me in all this. When I first saw him at the library with his new girlfriend I went up to them and looked him in the eye and told him: "If you ever want a hot date, don't call me!" and then simply left. He CONVINCED that girl that I had been calling her a ho! No where did I do that. I guess it just shows the type of liar he is. A convincing one. You don't think he could have done a number on me behind my back and suddenly developed a conscience about it?

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