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so unsure about this! help

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there is this girl i really like and she is sorta popular too but she has never had a bf and she asks me to carry her book for her like everyday for one passing period and she says alot of stuff and replies just kidding alot, and well how to know if she likes me or not (F.Y.I. sadies is like in 2 days and i know she wont ask me unless i speak up about having feelings for her because as far as i know right now she isnt going and this is the last dance of the year for us freshmen) please give me advice on what to do

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I highly doubt she is just using you as a mule. A lot of females I know ask a guy who they are into to do something for them (i.e. carry something, move something, etc.) to see whether the guy would do it or not. And that is the female's way of seeing how much this guy really likes her. It's silly to me, but a friend of mine explained her whole "theory" to me, which seemed to be much like this (I could be wrong, though, this could be totally different). I'd carry my own things before putting myself at the risk of looking lazy. But that's just my thought.


If the dance is coming up, don't waste anytime. Before you know it this chance could be long gone, and that'd be no good. Tell her how you feel. It'll definetly cut out some of the "what if's" in the future.

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Oh, to be young again...


You will look back on this stuff in the future and have yourself a good laugh.


If ya like the girl, do something about it. That always works for me. It's not always easy to figure out exactly what you need to do to get things going, but you are going to know how to go about it more than anyone here will, as you are the one in this position.


Good luck with the girl brudda



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You don't just have to go up to her and ask her 'out'. That, in itself, does feel kinda weird. Just let it be a natural thing. Say something like...wanna catch a movie with me? or...wanna have coffee sometime? or whatever...if she's into you, she'll be into doing something with you. Never, i mean "NEVER" just ask a girl out. I mean, don't just go up to her and say "ya wanna go out?", that's just retarded. You get the picture. Do it.

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