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Unsure of what to do

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So there's this girl at school that I have one class with (a computer class). I've had a crush on her for the past couple of weeks, and have just begun making conversation with her. I see her a couple of times throughout the day, so it's not one of those "I wanna talk to her but never see her" type of situations. I always look into her eyes when I talk to her, and she usually does look into mine, but not always smiling. I followed her to her locker and continued the conversation, until she grabbed her notebook and said that she had to run to class, followed by a "see ya" as she turned away.


Anyways, yesterday in class I slid a note accross to her. She read it, giggled and blushed. For the rest of the period she didn't seem to want to talk to to me, then when the period was over, she was the first one out of the class. I didn't even get a chance to say anything to her.


Then today I talked to her briefly at the end of class about classwork and her face turned red when she looked at me. I then followed her to her locker (behind her) and when she got to her locker, I said, "See you tomorrow" and handed her a slip of paper that had my AIM screen name on it, then I took off. Keep in mind I am pretty shy around girls.


I don't know whether she uses AIM, but I haven't gotten anything from her today.


Would it be a definate possiblity that she is shy? Am I going too fast? What should I do next?



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it sounds to me like she is shy... and she was kind of embarrased by the note you gave her.


Maybe ask her if she has AIM... if she says no, ask her what she thought of the note you wrote her. What did it say?


You need to know what she thinks of everything before you go any further. If she doesnt want to proceed and you keep pushing it... that will scare her off.


Good luck!!

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There's a pretty good chance that she likes you, blushing is normally a good thing. She could be just as shy...do yourself a favor tho, dont GET ATTACHED now...you need to do your best NOT to think about this 24/7 hah. If anything tho, most girls don't have the guts to go after guys, you should have asked her for her AIM s/n or phone number. She may IM you..she may not...guess it all depends. Just DON't Think too much! later, good luck

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hey u should try to talk to her but see if ur gestures are in the right place, does she like u 2? she maybe shy yet she may be avoiding u cuz she doesn't like u, i'm not sayin she doesn't but...jus don fall head over heals for something u don kno bought yet all u can do is talk to her if there is something else going on in the chemistry than somthing will happen

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The note said "Did you know that Webster's dictionary has "(her name)" as one of the synonyms for "cute"?"
That sounds like a pick-up line lol. I think she has a crush on ya, just that she's shy. So when your talking to her next time don't look at her eyes all the time, it makes her relax and relax more around you. And don't pressure her by giving her sn and stuff I gave a girl my sn way back when I had AOL 5.0 lol and I waited 2 months before I gave her my sn. They gotta build a strong sense of trust around you. So try to work on that in class on in the halls when you have the time.
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Well lately in class she hasn't been noticing me, just chatting with her neighboring classmates (ones next to her) while we do classwork.


For some reason I keep wanting her to look my way once in a while and take notice in me. Am I expecting too much this early on? Should I give it some time with her? Is this how girls tend to act when you know they have a crush on you and when the girl is shy? Do they give you lots of attention?


I've been getting really impatient, and I really only have a chance to talk to her for like a minute or so earlier in the day before she runs to class (not the class I am in with her), and it is always about school. I can never see her when she isn't in a rush to get somewhere or alone.

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Uhh, not really she probably just doesn't like you. If she's shy she'd probably be the type that only cares about her schoolwork and hasn't had a bf ever or in a long time.


She's given off a couple of signals that shows that there is a big chance that she likes me, but I can't be certain because I don't know her well enough yet to make that assumption. And yes, she does focus a lot on classwork. There is always the chance that she does like me but doesn't want to think about anything except classwork while in the class. She seems happy around me when we meet in the halls and chat for a minute.

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When we chat in the halls, she almost always looks in my eyes and smiles when I talk to her. And at the end of class the other day she smiled and blushed when I briefly chatted with her (this was the day after I gave her the note) about the classwork standing next to her.


I don't see a way that he doesn't like me at all, but she might just see me as a friend, nothing more at this point.


If that isn't enough, then excuse me. I'm just going by what I've heard and read about around here. Maybe she hasn't had a bf before. I've never had a gf before, so I guess that would kind of make it even. I'm just trying to get somewhere.


And maybe me giving her my IM screen name only made her more uneasy. I don't know for sure. I don't have a chance to talk to her very often.

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So I ran into her at her locker early in the day between classes. Here's how the convo went:


Me: Hey, how's it goin'?

Her: Good. (grinning, opening up her locker, getting her books out)

Me: Are you busy tonight?

Her: Umm, I have plans. But...

Me: But?...

Her: (pause) I gotta get to class. (shutting her locker and turning the other way on her way to class)


I'll try again next week, maybe.

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Sure will.


I notice that in class she isn't shy around the guys around her (the 3 people around her are guys, one of them is on her track team and the other one is just a friend), but she definitely acts shy around me.


I'll give it some time. Maybe she just isn't ready to have a boyfriend yet.

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Oh man what are you doin'? You're supposed to give them your AIM, MSN, and your Yahoo screen name (joking here)!


Looks like she's busy for now so chat with her later. Don't be too pushy or desperate-looking. Just keep talking to her and she will become more and more attracted to you. I would go for the phone number or let's get some coffee routine eventually.

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Hmm, well I think she might have a thing for you. And SHE IS DEFINITELY a girl who needs to "trust" a guy before they get intimate. That means you have to be her friend. And do the coffee routine and crap like what Caldus said. Once the girl is like for example "Hey can you watch my dog for 20 minutes I have to run some errands" that shows the girl trusts you. Once you've accomplished this, I don't see why not she wouldn't be comfortable with you asking her out for coffee, or dinner.



Note: That doesn't mean she's going to automatically say yes if you ask her out if she trusts you. Though you guys will most likely be friends still because of this trust. So you get something out of it...your not left with nothin'.

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I see the point you are making, but this is high school, not college. College life is WAY different than high school life. We couldn't go out for coffee or whatever whenever we felt like it, unless we tried to get together on the weekend somehow, but at this point, I don't think she knows me well enough (and vice versa) to hang out with her outside of school.


But yes, I can understand the trust thing, especially if she's never had a boyfriend before (or in a long time), which I'm unsure about, but she seems to act like she hasn't had much experience with guys before as far as becoming more than friends.


Would it be a good idea to ask her if she is shy? Or would that be something that I'd want to keep to myself and find out as I get to know her. She obviously isn't very outgoing or else she would have said something to me about us/me.


Thanks for the advice.

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Well today the school sent out the student/teacher directory, and her number (and address) is listed.


I think it might be best to wait a while before calling her up, considering it'd be like calling her out of the blue. At least now I don't have to actually ask her for her number.

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Well today the school sent out the student/teacher directory, and her number (and address) is listed.


I think it might be best to wait a while before calling her up, considering it'd be like calling her out of the blue. At least now I don't have to actually ask her for her number.


Do you realize how much you're going to freak her out when you call her? She won't even know who you are. She will think you're stalking her. Stop trying to avoid talking to her in person. Just do it. It's the only way you're going to make her more attracted to you.

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I didn't say I was trying to avoid talking to her in person. I WANT to talk to her in person. I wouldn't call her out of the blue like that. I'm not stupid. I'm just saying, I have her number for when I want to call her LATER ON after I know her a lot better.

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Dude, don't use the number unless you actually get it from her. I can understand how you feel because you're new to this, but come on, your 18 y/o, you're legally an adult. Just ask her out, I know you tried and she kind of blew you off, but its obvious that she's just really shy. Make small talk with her and try to make her more comfortable around you. Ask her for her # and go from there.

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Dude, don't use the number unless you actually get it from her. I can understand how you feel because you're new to this, but come on, your 18 y/o, you're legally an adult. Just ask her out, I know you tried and she kind of blew you off, but its obvious that she's just really shy. Make small talk with her and try to make her more comfortable around you. Ask her for her # and go from there.


I know what I have to do, man. I wouldn't call her up unless I got her # from HER (both as a friend or as more than a friend). I just got exited when I saw that her # was listed (I'm over it now). It'd be almost rude to call her out of the blue like that. I just have to take it slowly with her in the short amount of time we have to talk everyday. I would never want to make her feel uncomfortable or uneasy around me.

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Well, a little update.


I've been talking to her some lately at school between classes, and I noticed that she doesn't look me in the eyes that much anymore, or barely ever smile. So today I talked to a friend of hers who is in the band, and asked her if she was shy. She said that she is generally shy around people whom she doesn't know very well, but not shy at all around the people she knows well. So I guess I have to be her get to know her better first (like MetallicAGuy noted) before asking her out, which is perfectly fine by me. Hey, at least I'll get more comfortable around her (and vice versa)!


Also today when I talked to her at the end of class I asked her a couple questions, brief answers, and then there was that weird pause where we have nothing to say. Then just before I thought of something to ask her a friend of hers came up beside her and started talking to her.


Anyways, thanks for the input guys... really appreciated!

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