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Working out and energy levels

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Recently I've started working out quite a lot. I go to the gym every other day alternating between focusing on upper-body or lower body. In the between days, since I have an interest in combative activities, I train technique by punching with weights, practicing kicks, pad work, grappling etc... I find that my energy levels are very low, and I'm often left tired after a work out. I find this lack of energy is reduced if I eat a lot, and I mean a LOT, more than usual. BUT I find it hard to eat that much. I mean, I'm just not used to going through a packet of chicken for breakfast. Plus my job is hard, and I can't spend lots of time eating. So anyway, I've been considering supplements, but I don't know if they'll help, and quite frankly I've been avoiding them as I prefer to eat natural foods I prepare myself. Any advice please?

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i would suggest talking to a doctor. i remember going through this when i was in track, i was doing great for awhile but then it was like i hit a wall and could not get any better and i was quite tired and didn't eat so much. if you have anything like that it isn't quite normal, cuz working out should help boost your energy, maybe not right after a work out (your suppose to be tired then) but in the long run. but yea i was diagnosed with mono you might not have that but i would suggest seeing a doctor.

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Actually I sleep pretty well. I really think I'm just not getting enough food, but I find it a real struggle to eat as much as my body seems to want!


I'm fairly certain I don't have mono, I mean I wouldn't be able to do my workouts out if I did. I AM a naturally sleepy person, by that I mean I like sleeping and don't feel good unless I've had a minimum eight hours.

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he he he... time to make more time in your busy schedule to eat!!! I like working out, and my body does the same thing. I like beef jerky - cause it takes a while to chew on, and tons of protein. Soups and chili are good too - anything with tons of fiber will help you feel more full. A large salad with your meal.... yogurt helps fill me up too. And of course, a cup or two of coffee a day!


Are you on any new medications? That can make you super hungry too...

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If you are working out, you NEED to eat. If you don't eat, you're burning your muscles and you'll actually lose muscle mass and energy. Actually, when you workout, it's supposed to supply you with energy. Maybe not at first, but you're body gets used to the rigorous life and you should have a lot more energy.


Also, if you are working out, fighting, and working (job), and you are constantly on the move, make sure you drink LOTS of water... Don't drink anything else. Water is the most amazing thing on this planet. It also supplies you with lots of energy.


One may argue that you should drink other stuff for electrolytes, etc....but you get those from your food. i.e. Sodium, Potassium, etc...


in fact, i just started working out again myself, two weeks ago, I dirnk at least a gallon of water a day, you'll have to go to the bathroom alot, but it's amazing how it helps. Also, you should try eating smaller meals. Like 6-8 small meals.


It may help i you can eat when you get up, eat before a workout, after a workout, just before work, eat every 3 hours at work, and before you go to bed. Just eat smaller meals, don't fill yourself up. And make sure it has lots of protein.


And yes, suppliments, one a days, they will help tremendously. Because sometimes you dont' get adequate vitamins from your food intake. And yes, you need them. Also, i'd recommend supplimenting a meal with a protein shake. Probably best to do it as a breakfast thing. It helps a lot when you don't have time to cook.


Hope this helps...........

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one more thing, you should also change your workout habits. Instead of working upper body one day then lower body the next (both are HUGE muscle groups to be working on in a single day).


you should try only working out two mucle groups a day. i.e. Chest and Triceps (since triceps are worked out anyway when you do chest)...Then the next day do Shoulders and Traps (maybe back, if you do that)...Then the next do Biceps, ForeArms and anything else in the upper body you want to work out, i.e. Abs...Then do Legs by themselves. That's 4 days out of 7 that you'll be working out. And since you can concentrate more on a single muscle group, it'll actually help better than working them all at once.


Remember, when you work out, you rip your muscles and you need rest and protein to build them back up. But if every muscle in your body is ripped, it will take a lot longer to heal than if it were just one or two mucle groups.

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Thanks Annie, I guess maybe I just need to go on a Hell Boy diet . I'm not on any medication, but I often work twelve hours days (you know what a PhD is like!) and typically work out in the mornings/lunch times, so I get pretty knackered. My regimen was given to me by a personal trainer, and is specifically designed to push me a lot.


To all: I'd appreciate some good ideas on nutrition i.e. what sort of composition of meals should I go for? Mainly meat? Carbohydrates? I tend to function much better if I have a high protein breakfast. I'd also appreciate opinions on what makes good 'snack foods', as when I'm hungry between meals I tend to go for cereal bars, fruit and cartons of milk. CamaroJoe; you eat 6-8 meals? What do they typically consist of? Also, do you train for any specific activity?

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When you are working out or change your workout (ie increase it or try new methods/exercises) you need to remember REST and FUEL are very important to increase/change as well.


This means you NEED to take rest days and make sure to rest the muscles/heart you are working so hard! Scehdule at least one DAY OFF a week. And stick to it. If you are working out even more, take 2 days off. And make sure you are working out your body properly but you have a trainer, so I am sure he helps with this...you may also want to talk to him/her about nutrition.


Before a workout (about 1 hour or so before you should be eating a small meal with some carbs/protein and you should be also eating something within 30 minutes of a workout afterwards - again a good protein/carb balance. Protein shakes are GREAT for this as they are easy to digest and not that hard to eat after a workout. You may also want to try weight gainers, etc to help you get the energy without having to eat that pack of chicken for brekkie! I also have chocolate milk as a post workout drink as it has a great balance of carbs/protein..but your mileage may vary!


Of course make sure to also eat lots of veggies, complex carbs and lean natural sources of protein when you have your proper meals. Eat often through the day, rather than three HUGE meals, go for 5-6 smaller ones but make sure to keep cals in control, and get that pre and post workout energy too.


Drinks lots of water, take vitamins and eat lots of healthy goods to maximize what you are putting in your body (ie avoid too many empty calories like pop and other sugars). Get 8-9 hours of sleep a night, and when you start feeling dragged down, take some rest.

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Here is a meal plan that you could try out, although it does contain supplements as part a lot of the meals and snacks:

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I also think you should read the following to give you a good idea of what foods you should be eating and in what quantities on a daily basis:

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If you dont liek the idea of using supplements then i reccommend you design your own eating plan based on the information int he link above. I have designed one for myself which i have been folloing for about 6 months now, if you have trouble designing your own then let me know and ill be happy to help you out!


I hope this helps!

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Generally, for breakfast, i'll either just drink a protein shake. They don't taste great, but it's not too horrible either. Or i'll have eggs, but eggs have a lot of cholesterol and stuff you don't want. But it's ok to eat them in moderation. Then i try to eat every three hours after that. Something small like a portion of chicken. Just buy some chicken, cook it, then keep it throughout the day. You can eat it cold or heat it up later.


Fish is really healthy. You just want as much protein as you can get while trying to minimize the fat intake. But remember, your body can only absorb so much at one time anyway. That's another good thing about eating frequently (every 3 hours is the best method) because you're constantly fueling your body with energy and so your body has no reason to store fat as energy for later.


link removed this is a great site. It is where i found out about eating the smaller meals. It worked wonders for me while i was on the diet and working out. I had so much energy. But I rested a lot too. This site will give you all the information you need.


Also try link removed if you're looking for working out to get bigger rather than just for your health.


But like i said before, if you eat alot, Water is the most important thing. I flushes your system. It gets rid of waste. If you pee yellow, it means you need water. Yellow is the biliruben that you urinate and it comes from when your red blood cells die. If you ever go out drinking, notice how when you wake up in the morning you feel like crap and you urinate a dark yellow to orange color? it's because you are dehydrated. Everything you drink that isn't water dehydrates you. Tea, Coke, Coffee (the worst thing you can drink, quit asap!...actually, anything with caffeine). Now that doesn't mean you can't drink coke or tea, but do it moderately.


Just check out those sites. It should provide you with everything you need.

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you can try egg-white omlets - much less cholesterol, but there's still protein there. But as for drinking a gallon of water a day - that's 16 glasses of water a day! I think that's getting a little excessive. There actually no scientific evidence that you even need 8 glasses of water a day. I mean, you need to replenish what you sweat, but you don't want your body sodium and potassium levels to drop due to dilution by soooo much water....

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It won't happen. He's eating plenty of foods to replenish anything that the water will flush out. And trust me, your body will absorb enough electrolytes before the water even gets a chance to flush it. Body builders drink up to 3 gallons of water a day. Actually, if your up for a 14 hour day, 8am till 10pm, then a gallon of water is nothing. That's easily done and won't do anything bad for you. Although too much water, like 3 gallons in an hour or two will actually kill you.

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My personal trainer told me what he eats for breakfast every morning: An egg-white omlet made with 7 egg whites, a whole red bell pepper, 3 olives, 2 pieces of whole wheat toast, 1 cup of oatmeal with half a cup of blueberries. Actually, I think there's some more food there, but I can't remember right now. He's won several regional bodybuilding competitions, so I guess he knows what he's doing.

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Definitely get more sleep- and every other day at the gym seems a little weird to me- lol too much!!!


You obviously have the stamina and will to work out, but I would cut down a bit. Unless of course you do cardio one day, then weights the next, and then cardio, and like switch it up....

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Really? I thought every other day was fine. Particularly if you break up your routine, after all you don't want to go too long without working a muscle group. I've ordered protein shake powder, and as far as I can tell from my research, I'm supposed to drink it within half and hour of exercising. I'll see how it goes!

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I find that my energy levels are very low, and I'm often left tired after a work out.


...I prefer to eat natural foods I prepare myself. Any advice please?


I don't know about any suppelements for muscle building, I guess

you don't need that advice anyway since you were talkign about

energy level.


I recommend to drink more of natural, fresh juice instead of water or coke. (Here people LOVE to drink coke.. when I tried it, I found that it dehydrate you quickly you want more and soon you can easily get addicted to it).

Try to find some juice that is not made from concentrate. Juice from concenrate won't feed your energy from my experience.

Fresh juice is always stored in a kind of fridge. Check a carton: if it cheap or says FROM CONCENRATE don't buy it. If they put a lot of sugar in it, it would do more harm than anything else. Even if it is a fresh say orange juice with a lot of sugar - I would not recommend it. Sugar gives you a boost in energy and than QUICKY drains you...


I personally found that the best juice for me energy wise is fresh

carrot juice. Plus it is a natural.


Besides it I found such thing as craisins works best for me in terms of energy level.

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My personal trainer told me what he eats for breakfast every morning: An egg-white omlet made with 7 egg whites, a whole red bell pepper, 3 olives, 2 pieces of whole wheat toast, 1 cup of oatmeal with half a cup of blueberries.


It sounds really, really good!

Just one thing: what does a toast do there? in my opinion it has questionable nutrition value and since it is toasted it is not great for health in general. A piece of some good bread I guess would be better.

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