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Hmmmm what to do


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Ok so here's the story. A year ago, a friend invited me to a picnic a friend of his was having for them to catch up on things or whatever because it's been 2yrs or something like that. Well things were great and I liked her and even out of randomness she said I was hot? (she kinda surprised me there lol) anyways I got her sn from my friend like the night afterwards and I talked to her. Things seemed alright and my friend told me that she was wonderin why I was IMing her (I dont know if she was just curious or weirded out by the fact that I IMed her lol) Then I kind of stopped IMing after a few days. Well anyways its been almost a year since i've talked to her and I don't see her go online at all but I got her email from my friend but he hasn't talked to her since the picnic either.


So my question is how should I approach this? I mean wouldn't it be kinda odd that someone you saw once in your life all the sudden emails you a year later? lol Is there any way I can approach this so things dont seem so odd? What should I do about it? Help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Make up a lame excuse lol.

Ive done it millions of times and it works. Im really bad with emails, so Im forced to.


"The email server went down"

"I lost my internet!"

"I forgot your email, then I was going through papers and found it!"

"Ive been uber busy with work"

etc etc.


Just a white lie icebreaker. Thats what Id do anyway... just so they dont go "what a weird one".

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