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feeling so sick.


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My ex bf might get back with his ex gf whom he was always in touch with throughout our relationship.

I am not sure what I was inbetween now. and feel so sick. he is in my city and same gang and we talk sometimes.

how am I supposed to deal with this situation?

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My ex bf might get back with his ex gf whom he was always in touch with throughout our relationship.


What made you date and pursuit a relationship with a guy that has ANY kind of contact with their ex is the big question.


That's on YOU.


One of the biggest red flags on this planet, hello.

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Difficult situation. Here's the questions I ask when ever I maybe with someone with ex issues.

1 did they break up?

2 the reason be fixed?

3: is one of them trying to improve on the reason for the break up? (Money, job, doing things ext.)

4: how long where they togeather (longer relationships usually have a habit of restarting)

5: what is the way they communicate? (Txt,phone ext.)

6: how they communicate? (Body language and text language jokes)

7: is this relationship worth pursuing?

8: do they still love their ex?

Hopefully this helps any future problems.

Also do know for sure that he is thinking of getting back with his ex if he has mentioned it, dumb him he is just using you and doesn't know how to be alone this in turn does not allow him to grow and learn (go through reflection process)

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What made you date and pursuit a relationship with a guy that has ANY kind of contact with their ex is the big question.


That's on YOU.


One of the biggest red flags on this planet, hello.


Well that's very brash their are times when we have to be contact with ex's. Short story I'm in contact with my ex "red flag".

Long story I'm in contact with my ex because we share (friend groups, class, work ect). some times there are reasons we need to be contact with our ex's.

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I did speak to him regarding it when we started dating. I decided I am noone to interfere in his relationships with people. He knew I was always uneasy about him talking to her, but they were best friends for longer time first and their relationship wasnt that long , so I couldnt say stop being close to her. But i was never completely okay with the whole thing. He gave me the impression that he was too cool about all this, and its only because of their friendship he was talking to her. They used to text sometimes and talk sometimes. But that was it. And I let it go.

I trusted him, believed he was over it and thats why asked me out.

I am not so sure they are getting back actually.

She is coming to meet their common friend, and hence he will be hanging out with them... She isnt a nice person, not saying because of my possible hatred for her. But I have heard from others too. She has told me looking forward to meet you, to which he hasnt replied.. But he would be going to meet her...

Should I be worried because of this ?

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Think on what he said when you bought the subject up.

If you where uneasy about her good boyfriend would try to limit all contact with the person who makes you uncomfortable with out being asked.

I will hold judgment as we don't have the details about her.

Well hmmm that's difficult to answer if you should be worried... let's go with the limited info that you have presented yes you should be worried. By sounds of it. If you are with him less worried (he might be comparing you two). If he goes to see her alone yea.

Personally I say go with you're gut on this issue.

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He never told me about her coming. He told our common friend that she would be coming as her best friend is living here now, and so she had messaged him as well about it.. and told looking forward to meet you...

to which he hasnt replied yet.

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He never told me about her coming..

Now this is a Red flag.


He told our common friend that she would be coming

you're boyfriend still didn't tell you.


Alright from this information I could hazard a guess:

1- It sounds kinda like he is hiding you away from his ex only few reasons to hide a new love interest some good some bad, but with this I would go with "he wants his ex back". It is hard to escape past relationships and it only takes a little emotional spark to restart a relationship or to have a back slide.

But as we don't have the full story on every thing these are only guesses with what we have been presented, go with your gut on this.

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Alright I'm gonna change tactics here. So it's gonna be a bit harsher.

1) he did tell you him self (he doesn't care if you get jealous or not so he moving on)

2) if he does get back with ex remember you are an ex. (His life his choices)

3) you two are over (take the chance to find a better man he sounds like someone with ex baggage)

4) ex's are ex's for a reason (this means they can't be friends personal opion or anything more then another person who inhabitants the earth)

Now for you

1) no contact

2) completely leave his life

3) live you're life for you're self

4)one day you will find someone and the thing is you don't know who or when but it's not a matter of forcing it.

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