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YAY We've made it 7 months so far

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A couple days after being together for 7 months .. I'm kinda just sitting here thinking to myself after all the bumps and grinds that this girl might finally see how much she means to me... We are still together and still exchanging kisses and hugs every single day as well as we pretty much make love once or twice a day and have since day 1 ( I think we may have missed about 4 days)... There was some issues earlier on mostly due to her ex being a poop head but ... well We have our own little apt... Both working.. A cat... And we still say I love you every night before bed before cuddling and going to sleep./... I guess things are pretty OK... There are some things Ive said I feel stupid for though because I have a hard time letting the things go that happened over the ex .. (No cheating) but some dishonestly... Still This is the only relationship I've ever not been willing to let go of.. The rest.. well They'd have been toast.. but this girl.. I'm in love with her completely... And she is me .. She was the ebst friend to me I've ever had yesterday when I was having the worst day ever.. I've never had that before... Only selfish girls... Anyhows I just wanted to share my enthusiasm because I learned one thing at my age... You can't open yourself to many people... but the one you can...Is the one you shoud stick with... Love you chels./.. Happy 7 months.

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