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Ex wants to hangout tongiht

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Hey guys need some quikc help. My ex broke up with 2 weeks ago, and lsat night I asked her if she wanted to do somehting to night. Last night she said shed have to see casue she might be doing somehting but she didnt have definate plans, then today she emailed me and told me she was free adn if I wanted to hangout to call her. Im wondering if this is a good idea, should I go out wiht her and try to rekindle things like our first date, or do you think by me saying I made other plans, and kinda playng hard to get will be better.

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Playing hard to get is a bit silly when you suggested getting together - plus you have to be sure she thinks you are worth "getting". Just hang out, be pleasant, don't come on too strong and see what happens. The fact she said yes maybe a good sign but don't read too much into it.

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lol the OC, I didn't know it was that widespread through adults especially!! All the girls I know watch it lol. H*** Yeah dude go for it, I think she might think it's a subliminal date though . So if you don't want it to be keep her attraction level down by not making her laugh. It's kind of hard to be boring, but if you want it to be friendly I guess that's what you have to do. Good Luck.

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Ok this is what ahppened on our first date, we watched the OC .. then went to a movei and then at the end of the night I kissed her on teh cheek instead of going for the makeout. And I know she loved that. Showed her I was differnet then msot guys and special. SHould I try to re-due the first date, to remind her ?

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Dude, if you haven't talked to a woman in a while and they think your worth getting like DN said then she probably thinks of it as a date. Keep your eye out for the body language; it doesn't lie. And if you don't know it study it before you go out with her on this "friendly date" tonight lol. You can only tell through her body language if she thinks it's going to be friendly or intimate. Good Luck man.

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Well, this whole thing about playing hard to get always amuses me a little. Not you so much as the idea in general.


If you can guarantee that:


    the person you are interested in is interested in you
    they like a challenge
    they think you are worth the challenge
    they will not meet someone more open and available while you are playing hard to get
    that once they find the real person behind the mysterious facade you have created they will not be disappointed and dump you

then playing hard to get may work.


Much better IMO to be open, honest, friendly and open to a relationship with someone who feels the same way.

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Ya but its only been 2 weeks since we broke up, and I asked her to hangout tongiht, She still think she porlly thinks of it as a date, also when she broke up with me she said she didnt feel the same way about me casue things werent the same at the end of the relationship like when we first started going out. SO maybe this is a awesome way to rekindle things

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Ok your idea of it is on track though if on a scale of 1-10 your on track meter (lol) would be like 8/10 because, you should make her laugh (correct), flirt some, now this is important because it has to do with push/pull (so your guess is incorrect, my answer is correct.), don't talk about relationship(correct), kiss on the cheek end of night (correct). So basically dude your all set, study the woman's body language though. Just in case.

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