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Has anyone here ever had a burn out?


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Just wondering if anyone here has gone through a burn out of any kind? If so what are the symptoms you noticed and how did you get over it?


There's actually different kinds of burnouts...Job related, caregiver related, nursing/social work related, etc.


In some ways it is sort of like depression, more when it gets very bad. Appetite changes, sleep problems, withdrawal, exhaustion, etc. Tell us more about what's going on.

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More as in I can sleep an entire day and wake up at night to still feel really tired and go back to sleep for another 10 hrs.... I eat but I'm never hungry. I can eat half a sandwich and feel like I'm full for a day and a half.

I'm getting a blood test done Sunday but my couples councillor mentioned I might be heading towards a burn out, so I'm guessing work related and emotional... Its just stressing me out and I feel like I need an answer for everything lately. Just wanted to know if someone has gone through it and what they felt

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Well I guess I did or still am. I felt and feel emotionally and physically exhausted. I feel as though I can sleep forever but then I only sleep a few hours. My appetite is pretty low, I eat just enough to get rid of the yuck feeling. I don't necessarily feel hopeless or anything, just worn down. I get sick a little bit more often than usual.


I know it's because all of my energy goes into one thing and I don't take care of my own emotional needs very much. It's just chronic stress. How to manage it? Well I'm supposed to be doing all these 'self care' things but frankly, the extent of that right now is a soak in the tub or a few minutes here and there to read/browse internet. I don't think it makes me feel any better per say, but it probably keeps me from losing my sheet.

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