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Too Picky?


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Hey, I wanna know if I'm too picky with the girls I try and date. I know a few girls that go to my school and they always stare at me and flirt. They are quite attractive and my friends say they would defiantly like to go out with them. When I see them I know they are attractive but for some reason I just cant picture myself being in a relationship with them. There has only ever been 2 or 3 girls that I have liked enough and thought it could perhaps lead somewhere but they either didn't like me or I ruined it.


I also see guys looking at girls and saying things like "I would 'do' her" etc. I kinda feel awkward when people say stuff like that when they don't even know the girl. I wanna meet someone whos attractive but also someone who I can relate to, one of my friends has got a gf like this. They are into all of the same music and stuff and he always has a really good time with her (I want something like that!). My other friends just go out with girls for their looks and don't have that special connection. I think im gonna wait till I find someone who I get on with really well, or am I being too picky and should I just date girls based on looks?




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nah man dont be only into girl for their looks....cause when ya do that then ya end up wit bout 3 kids, an ex wife, too much child support, and everybody gonna know your business when you end up on montel or ricky lake....ya followin me? dude trust me when i tell ya this the girl that you are looking for is out there the key is to not look........sounds crazu huh? ya know when like you lose your keys or maybe your shoe or anything and your lookin and lookin and you dont find it...,but the next day or sometime when your not lookin you find it..its alot like that when you stop looking and stop tryin so hard thats when you find that person and it makes it so much more sweeter makes the loves just a little bit better cause when you find it....you havent tired yourself out lookin for it...hope i help aight man later...Peace in the middle east, Rain in Spain, Holla Bak at da godfather

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I've thought about the same thing. I've had girls like me before, but I've never wanted to go out with them. Somehow, I always like a girl that only likes me as a friend...and then someone else will tell me they like me, but I just can't go out with them. It's not because there's anything wrong with them...its just that I don't feel it for them, and i happen to like someone else.


A few of my friends have tried to get me to have a relationship with some of these girls, saying that I need to get dating, and even if I don't really like them, I should try it.


But I can't do it...I don't think it's right, and I'd like to believe that one day I'll find someone who likes me, and I'll like them back, without having to adjust my standards or anything

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You ony like girls that like you as a friend? and then have no interest in someone that likes you....


Why is that ? ? ? ? ?


Could it be that deep down you are afraid to go out with someone that is really interested in more than a friendship? Because being more than friends means opening up and eventually letting someone see all the "not so good" parts about you."


It means putting yourself out there and taking a chance on beign rejected......Scary stuff for anyone......


By focusing solely on women that jsut like you as friends you KNOW that nothing will ever move forward and you wont have to actually let them see YOU, the REAL YOU.


Just something to think about....

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