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She's slept with someone else already..


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Hey.. Not sure if use have read any of my other posts! But basically Me and the love of my life didn't work out for various reason and we broke up about a month and a half ago.. I miss and love her massively! I went and seen her today to pick up the rest of my things.. We got chatting and stuff. Honestly she looked so amazing like I've always been so mesmerised by how beautiful she was. I found out that she had slept with someone else and had a one night stand.. My heart literally sunk I tried not too show it to much but I felt physically sick. We had ups and downs and she was quite abusive physically in the relationship.. But it didn't stop me from loving her. Like I'm addicted and even still I'd probably take her back. She's in my mind and she won't go. She was an absolute pain in the ass at time but I wasn't perfect either. I just need some sort of guidance. Like how do I actually except it's over? I struggle letting people I love go. Always have! I can't stress enough how phycially perfect she was for me and the thought of another man having the pleasure of being in her company even for one night ruins me.. Thank you

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That feeling in your stomach you felt is so awful and I'm sorry you're going through this! The feeling you are going through is something only time can heal. For now just embrace it and keep in mind it will go away soon. Keep yourself busy and spend lots of time with friends. It will be okay.


Thank you! I really hope so

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So she was physically abusive and a pain in the ass and slept with some guy right after the breakup. Sounds like she isn't worth missing.


It's a lot easier from an outsiders point of view! But I do get where your comin from.. We spent a lot of time together

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More importantly, just remember that this is temporary! You said it yourself... It's like your addicted, and physiologically you're not far off! Our brains go through a very real, withdrawal-like process after a breakup. I know you love this person, but if they were physically abusive then you are so much better off even if it might not feel like that right now. I wish you the best!

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I understand the feeling. I would never take my ex back though, he was physically and emotionally abusive. But it still hurts. He literally moved up the street and I have to drive by his house to go anywhere.. I saw a car there a few weeks ago that I had never seen in our whole relationship, I knew he was seeing someone instantly. I kept seeing this car, then yesterday I saw them together. My heart sank the first time I saw the car, then yesterday I felt ill. I still do. Its been a month and a half since he moved out. The only thing keeping me together I think is the fact that throughout this whole time he has text me multiple times about how much he loves me and misses me. Its a rebound, and he is famous for that.. Failed relationship after failed relationship.. That doesn't make the pain go away though, I just keep trying to occupy myself with things that make me feel accomplished.


I am no better as I have made a fwb arrangement with an old friend.. I have yet to take him up on the offer. You just can't help how you feel, as stupid as it is.

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I understand the feeling. I would never take my ex back though, he was physically and emotionally abusive. But it still hurts. He literally moved up the street and I have to drive by his house to go anywhere.. I saw a car there a few weeks ago that I had never seen in our whole relationship, I knew he was seeing someone instantly. I kept seeing this car, then yesterday I saw them together. My heart sank the first time I saw the car, then yesterday I felt ill. I still do. Its been a month and a half since he moved out. The only thing keeping me together I think is the fact that throughout this whole time he has text me multiple times about how much he loves me and misses me. Its a rebound, and he is famous for that.. Failed relationship after failed relationship.. That doesn't make the pain go away though, I just keep trying to occupy myself with things that make me feel accomplished.


I am no better as I have made a fwb arrangement with an old friend.. I have yet to take him up on the offer. You just can't help how you feel, as stupid as it is.


That's honestly awful and I'm so sorry about that if you need a chat private message me!

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