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Ok to be freidns and want to try and get back together?

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Yeah, dude I've used this same thing so many times. I think you should be friends with her for a week and USING this method it does you no good knowing it but not using it. And she should be yours in no time, using this will show her you changed which is what you stated you wanted to do earlier (included in your question). And it will tell her that your more attractive to her than before.

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Oh you were talking about getting married and was this right before you broke up with her? That may be the cause. Maybe she doesn't want to get married and that wasn't what she was looking for. Even if she agreed with you that you 2 wanted to get "married forever" it was probably just a bunch of s***. Oh well I thought you were going to use the method for dating only. Hmm, getting married's a whole different thing. Well you could use this for attraction. Then you could stop when you guys get really close in the relationship then you can propose to her or whatever.

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oh no no no .. im jsut looking to get back together .. we only talked about getting married a little bit through out the year and a half we were to getehr, we just talked about one day getting married were still lil too young to get married. I jsut want her back as a girlfirend not wife

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Hey Riles,

Shes so curious because she doesn't have you anymore. People want what they don't/can't have, its human nature. Its piquing her interest not knowing what you're up to. As a woman, my advice for you on if you want to get back together is this: play it cool and aloof but don't push her away. Wait til shes asking for you back to show how you really feel. Shes definitely conflicted or else she wouldn't be asking you odd little questions. She doesn't realize what she has til she loses it. Play it cool, thats my advice.


If/when she does ask for you back (which theres a good chance she will if you act aloof like I said) make her work for it to earn you back, since shes the one that hurt you.


However if you guys do get back together I would be cautious, she left you once, remember that.. realize there are girls out there that won't say they're feelings for you have changed and break up with you.


Good luck with whatever happens

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well .. should I not try and talk wiht her then .. if im acting alloof, or is it ok to contact her every once ina while. I should mention I also do ahve class wiht her, but didnt sit with her last week, but this week was planning on sitting with her, class is jsu tuesday nights for 3 hours

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ya but doesnt it make her somewhat jealous and help me .. cause she'll be wondering why i dint sit with her, and it makes me be on her mind .. kinda like what ur talking about in your articles, that she thinks im gonan sit wiht her and then i dont .. and it jsut throws her off her game

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K my situation jsut got a little weirder lol .. umm i just agreed to go out wednesday night on a casual date type dealy with a friend of mine that I guess you could say we've both flirted with eachother in the past. The weird part is its also a friedn of my ex's lol .. I accepted cause I knw moving on might be the best thing. Im jsut worried about the consequences im gonna have to deal with. Any opinions?

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