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Does he like me?


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I need help with determining if this guy likes me or not....he was really flirty, doing things such as put gas in my car, cook for me, propping my legs up in his lap and rubbing my feet when we were watching tv with friends. This even led up to a little kissing (when we had some time alone). Well he told me to call him so i did and the convo went well. But then he never called me back and so i tried calling him again but he never answered or returned the call. Our mutual friends keeps telling me to call him, but I don't want to since he never returned the last call. Well I didn't see him for a few weeks and I saw him this past weekend. He wasn't as flirty as he has been but he did do stuff like massage my shoulders and stare at me from accross the room. I just don't know what happened and why he backed off. All our friends keep asking me if we are going to start dating. I am all for it but he seems reluctant. We did both just get out of long term relationships. But I just don't know what the deal is. My friend says he is secretive so she doesn't know what is going on. What does it sound like and what should I do to get something going with him cause I really like him?

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but he already knew he wasn't going to get anywhere before he even started flirting, so i don't think its just him trying to get some. my friend said to just try calling him and if he doesn't answer leave a message. She says i am not pursuing him enough b/c his last gf pursued him, but i don't know what else to do without throwing myself at him, which I am NOT going to do. I guess I couls just invite him to hang out and if doesn't just drop it....but does it sound like he at least has some interest????? Or am I crazy (also, i was thinking maybe he is afraid that if it doesn't work out or soemthing then it will make it akward when we are around each other since we have mutual friends)

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Honestly, maybe he does not know what he wants and maybe you are analyzing innocent things because you like him. I dont understand why one of your mutual friends cant be like hey whats going on with you guys...are you going to call her. If he did not call you back I would not call again. I just think why should he be in control of you. He has you wondering and that is not fair. I say just give up for now and see what happens next time you see him you might want to say hey I called you is everything alright. You can see his body language and response. I just dont think you should waste your time wondering jsut go with the flow if that makes any sense....let them come to you.


good luck


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