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The next step..?


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ok...well theres this girl i know in my school for umm a few years, we've become really good friends and i started liking her.


Earlier, she told me she didn't like guys or have never think about that kinda issue, or dating, etc.


Just recently about a few weeks back, i asked her to be my prom date, and well she agreed after a i asked a few times. So we had fun at the prom, and 2 days after that, i finally had the courage to tell her how i really felt about her, and since we are going off to a different college next year, i told her i will miss her. Her then replied that she need to think.


the next day, she told me that she thought about it and because of the amount of school work this month or so...she prob dun really have time to think about these kinda things. and plus she said she kinda forgot the feelings of loving a person...so she really treated me as a friend all the time. so...she said to me that how about we just keep this friendship for now and we'll see what happens in the future.

and then she talked about next year, we can still contact thru the phone and such...and meet together again and about going out together alone, she doesn't mind if its once a while...but then she told me she don't really have that love feeling anymore.


she said she always treated me as a friend and if people call her my girlfriend or something like that, she might feel weird...so she said maybe we can be closed friends.


after that...well in school now..its a little different...we didn't talk to each other like before... as if there is some sort of a barrier.....maybe because we are shy? or not. i don't know.


what do u think? what should i do?

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Well, if you really love her, you wil respect the fact that she feels like that. Dont act weird, just continue to care and tell her if she ever needs you that you will be there for her. but dont pressure her. Just be her friend. Soon you'll realize that being a friend is just as special as being a boyfriend.


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Ok boss here ya go. Ive broken down your post to the key statements made by her. Read them and see for yourself in her own words what shes saying.



she told me she didn't like guys or have never think about that kinda issue, or dating, etc.



she prob dun really have time to think about these kinda things.


she really treated me as a friend all the time.


so...she said to me that how about we just keep this friendship


we can still contact thru the phone


she told me she don't really have that love feeling anymore.


she said she always treated me as a friend


if people call her my girlfriend or something like that, she might feel weird


she said maybe we can be closed friends.


we didn't talk to each other like before... as if there is some sort of a barrier.




Sorry buddy. This is pretty much cut and dry. But you also said this:


what do u think? what should i do?



I think that what you should do is move on with your life. Put this girl out of your mind as an object of affection. You arent going to get what you want because shes not interested in you in that way. Reguardless of the reason. NOTHING you can do or say is going to change that.


G'luck, and dont lose heart or faith in yourself. Women can detect that in you. Stay confident in yourself and move along to the next lady who just might be the one. But you wont know about it unless you go for it.



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