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What should I do?


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For the past month, i have been going out with this wonderful girl who i am falling head over heels for, and she feels the same way about me. We would both rather be with each other than any one else. We talk usually about an hour after school each day, and then later that night for another 2 hours online. We spend a lot of time togeather, and when we aren't togeather i am always thinking of her. I can honestly say that this month has been the best in my life. On valentines day i told her i was falling in love with her, and she said she never thought she would get as close to anyone as she has to me.

The only problem is i am a senior and she is a junior, and in 4 and a half months im leaving for boot camp, and then it is off to school for 2 years half way accross the nation. I don't want to hurt her by breaking up with her before i leave, but i also realize that im going to be gone at school until the end of her freshmen year of college. Then i have 6 years of active duty after school. I don't want to break up with her before i leave because of how much she means to me, but i don't want to hurt her because i will be gone for 2 years except for vacations. And if she finds someone else who gives her as much joy as she gives me, i don't want her to pass up that chance just because she is still going out with me, who she will never see.

Sorry if this was all confusing, any help would be greatly appreciated

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You can't make her decisions for her - if she knows what is going to be happening in your life and decides she wants to be part of it then she is old enough to know what she wants. So long as she is not misled in any way, let her decide what she wants to do.

Good luck

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Sounds like you have a wonderful relationship. I think you should use this time to let that grow, and then make your decisions together when the time comes for that. Don't worry now. In due time, if you truly love each other, you will absolutely find a way to make it work.

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She must be aware of your situation already i'm assuming, leaving for boot camp, but i don't think you should break up with her knowing that you two are great together. My boyfriend is overseas right now and I have not seen him for 6 months. I realize your situation is much different than mine but our relationship could not be stronger. When you leave keep in contact by phone/e-mail for awhile, she should let you know if she can't handle the distance. Every once in awhile you get lucky and find someone really amazing, so at the very least, let it last until the end of the school year and let her decide then what you two should do and be sure to keep in contact.

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