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Ok, here's the deal. I'm 14 and my boyfriend is about to turn 17. We've been together for about 2 weeks now. Let's call him "Bob".


Before me and Bob hooked up, we always had these great indepth conversations with each other. We would talk for hours about the stupidest things. And we have an amazing amount of things in common. So I'm guessing this drew us closer together. We both admitted that with our other "relationships", we had to act fake. (I was going through the "I'm only going out with this guy because he's hot!" phase.) But with Bob, it's different. We're real with each other.


Anyway, after like 3 weeks of being friends, he finally asked me out. And of course I said yes. The only problem now is, WE HAVE NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. It feels like we ran out of things to say! When ever we meet up we'll talk for a while. But like, that awkward kind of talk. The kind where you don't know what to say.. I don't know if it's just because we like each other so much. Or if he just lost interest in me. I mean like, he acts the same. Just in a non-conversational kind of way. And it's starting to freak me out. Because I have no idea if it's something wrong I'm doing. Or something that I'm NOT doing. Or like, whatever else.


Everything was so smooth when we were friends. But we both want to be with each other in an intimate way. (not having sex but like cuddling. Making our liking for each other exclusive.) Atleast that's what's on my mind. I need a tip on a conversation that will just "break the ice". Because, seriously, what's the point of having a boyfriend if you 2 don't even talk??? There's no point! (that's what I think anyway)


I've tried talking about the stuff we used to talk about with Bob, but it always ends short. And we feel weird. Uncomfortable. And shy! I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I like him a lot. But other guys I've liked a lot, I was able to talk with easily.


So please!!!! Just tell me what you think is going on. And please give me some good conversation starters that might break the ice. thnxx

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Well it seems you 2 might be kinda shy now between each other..don't worry it happens alot between 2 people that have been best friends or very close...you could talk about anything you wanted when you 2 were friends because you felt free to say whatever it is you wanted to express, but now since you are goin' out..it feels like you 2 don't wanna fault the mood or look weird or talk about something that might seem stupid cuz you don't want the other thinking your weird, shy, or that you might say something wrong to ruin how the other person feels about you, right?

Talk about what attracted you to him or him to you?

Other great conversational starters would be:


What do you like about me?

What made you wanna ask me out?


Or what works best is questions about remembering the past..they work very well.


Like remember what happened to me on this day and so?

What if this did not happen, would it change what happened to us today?


And bein' at certain places helps the conversations also...usually the place where you first met, favorite places, or somewhere for some reason you feel very confident and comfortable saying anything you want to your b/f?


You can be creative..cuz i use to have a problem with conversations and I would always get nervous or tongue-tied...But good things happen in conversations when you try very hard to look for something to talk about..with me it usually led to laughing or sweet gestures..cuz that wuz my personality.


Just think up some or try some of the ones i suggested..it will work out..i believe it will


"say what it is you need to say, or you might just slap yourself stupid later for not sayin' it!"


"???....I don't know?"
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It seems to me that this relationship shouldnt be elevated into anything other than a strong friendship, at least to this point. I havent been through anything like this but it seems that both of you enjoy eachother's company best when you are strong friends. If anything more than a friendship is there, it will show itself later on. Do not rush things. I dont want you to ruin an amazing friendship with someone by making this relationship be anything bigger than it is.

I hope I was of some help...

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