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  1. Ok, she says she's your 'friend', but really? Would a friend be competeing with you and trying to steal your guys? Especially the guys that she knows you like a lot? No real true friend would. And if she's doing this to make her self feel better, she has low self esteem. Then again, she might have liked Ramon and Dane all along and just felt crappy about admitting it to you. If Dane is showing signs of interest, then you have nothing to worry about. Chances are that she'll end up scareing him away from her. (good for u!) And if Dame really likes you, it shouldn't matter if one of your friends has a little crush on him. You should feel flattered that he's showing you signs of interest and not her. (even if she isn't all that attractive) Next time you have a huge crush on a guy, DON'T TELL HER. This whole predicament will probably happen again. So save yourself the time of being pissed off, and use it flirting with your crush! But if it's bothering you that much, comfront her. Say something along the lines of "You can't keep on doing this to me. You're going to have to decide right now. Either our friendship or you crushing on some guy who probably doesn't even like you." (not to mean) Hopefully she'll get the hint and realize how this is making you feel. And if she truly was a good friend or someone worth even talking to, she'll back off your guys. If not, then you know who your real friends are. And if she chooses a guy over you, then she wasn't a friend to begin with. This happened to me a long time ago, and I comfronted her. About 3 minutes later we walked away from each other and never spoke again. Sad ending to a long time friendship, but atleast I found out how True she really was! And that saved a lot of heartache for the future. So, yea, I hope everything works out and she realizes how stupid shes acting. Good Luck! Amy
  2. Just be like "Hey, I've had such a great time with you this semester. Could I get your number and call you during the summer so we could get together and go to (somewhere fun around where you live. Like a water park or mini golf thiny). I want to keep in touch with you." Then like compliment something about her. Keep the conversation light and friendly. Don't give her the idea you're dying for the number. She might think you're obsessive. And if she says no ((hopefully not!)) just be like "Alright then, I hope I see you during the summer and nexy school year". (if you have any more school left) Chances are she'll give you her number. Just stay Cool Calm and Collect. Hope this helps! Good luck Amy
  3. Ok, here's the deal. I'm 14 and my boyfriend is about to turn 17. We've been together for about 2 weeks now. Let's call him "Bob". Before me and Bob hooked up, we always had these great indepth conversations with each other. We would talk for hours about the stupidest things. And we have an amazing amount of things in common. So I'm guessing this drew us closer together. We both admitted that with our other "relationships", we had to act fake. (I was going through the "I'm only going out with this guy because he's hot!" phase.) But with Bob, it's different. We're real with each other. Anyway, after like 3 weeks of being friends, he finally asked me out. And of course I said yes. The only problem now is, WE HAVE NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. It feels like we ran out of things to say! When ever we meet up we'll talk for a while. But like, that awkward kind of talk. The kind where you don't know what to say.. I don't know if it's just because we like each other so much. Or if he just lost interest in me. I mean like, he acts the same. Just in a non-conversational kind of way. And it's starting to freak me out. Because I have no idea if it's something wrong I'm doing. Or something that I'm NOT doing. Or like, whatever else. Everything was so smooth when we were friends. But we both want to be with each other in an intimate way. (not having sex but like cuddling. Making our liking for each other exclusive.) Atleast that's what's on my mind. I need a tip on a conversation that will just "break the ice". Because, seriously, what's the point of having a boyfriend if you 2 don't even talk??? There's no point! (that's what I think anyway) I've tried talking about the stuff we used to talk about with Bob, but it always ends short. And we feel weird. Uncomfortable. And shy! I don't know why I'm feeling like this. I like him a lot. But other guys I've liked a lot, I was able to talk with easily. So please!!!! Just tell me what you think is going on. And please give me some good conversation starters that might break the ice. thnxx
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