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Is he maybe not interested or just shy?


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Theres this guy at work i have a crush on hes new and i only introduced myself to him last week i dont see him often. Ive tried talking to him a few times and find that whatever i ask he gives me short one word answers or just nods and smiles. Then since i like him i get nervous draw a blank and i dont know what to say so it gets a tad awkward he starts to kind of step away and im like ok talk to you later he nods and smiles. He doesnt say much he barely talks when other people in my department say something to him he seems to be the same softe answers and quite. Sometimes he walks by my desk other times he will take a long way and completely by pass walking by when he does hes always looking down smiling as he walks by at i dont know what yeaterday i caught him looking at me for a split second he quickly looked down and smiled. Sometimes he says hi other times nothing he looks down or at the wall. I always look at him in hopes for eye contact but hes just smiling looking down even if we cross paths. Once as he was leaving i said bye he barely looked at me smiled said bye kept walking. Hes tall and handsome i assume he must get attention from girls so its odd to think is he just really shy but could he just be super shy? Or could he just not be interested in talking to me? I feel discouraged by the way he acts and i dont know if im reading it wrong

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Hes tall and handsome i assume he must get attention from girls so its odd to think is he just really shy but could he just be super shy?


I'm sure he does get "attention from girls" yet on the other hand, he knows how to conduct himself on the job. More than likely he's not there to date, but to strictly do his job, which is a wise choice.

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