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where do i meet new people and how?


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quite a simple Q.ive decided that i need to improve my "meeting new people" skills because im going to university soon and i will be moving away from home and my friends.


what should i do when im meeting new people,what kind of questions should i ask,how should i act etc.bit clueless about all this.

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Well I guess the most important thing is to be yourself. Usually when you are meeting new people the way you act will come naturally and will depend on the situation, like the kind of person you are talking to, where you are etc. Just ask questions about what they do as a job, what they are going to study, things they like doing, places they like to go that sort of thing.


This can be very daunting at first but it will get easier as time goes by.

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Oh, uni is the easiest place to meet people! First, in classes. On the first day of my classes, I would always ask a few people around me to trade phone numbers with me in case one of us had to miss a class, or to form a study group. I've had lots of lasting friendships that way.


Another is to talk to your neighbors. If you will be living in a dorm, you can't help but make friends. Tell them you are going out to dinner, ask them to join you. Say hi to them. Get to know them. I'm still best friends with my neighbor in the dormitory when I was 18 - we just talked on the phone last night!


Also, you can join a sports or social or political organization on campus. You'll meet a lot of people who are interested in the same stuff as you.


No worries! You'll meet tons of people!

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