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He is just SOO Weird!!!

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Hello Well it has been almost 5 months since me and my ex b/f broke up. It hasn't really been that easy considering the fact that he lives down the block from me and i see him quite often or should i say he makes himself known that he is passing by. OK, well he broke up with me because he said that we were fighting too much and this whole situation was really hurting him. I was seriously heart broken because me and him were together 24/7, i loved him and I was just soo used to him. It was just amazing but i guess at the end it didn't work out. ANyway, I think he has gone a little crazy because let me tell you, whenever he sees me walking my dog or just walkin outside my house, he will drive by in a circle like 20 times..and he has his music all blasting, and he presses on the gas soo much . And it's like "HELLO, I know you are there!!...Go HOme!! He does this aLl the time and it is soo annoying. The other night i was talking to some guy outside my house and OMG, my ex went crazy, he drove around me sooo many times that the guy i was talking to was like "wow, this dude is so weird" In a way, i kind of like it too, but at the same time it is soo much harder to get over him. There is no point on holding on to any type of hope because he made it very clear we wouldn't get back together, and sometimes i just wish he didn't live so close to me. I dont know, i just felt like spilling my feelings out. THank you for listening.

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sounds like to me he still has feelings for you. If he didnt then he would not even look your way or care what you do. He would not want you to even know he is alive. But sounds to me like he is jealous of the other guy. He sounds like he wants you to noitce him so much. IMO if you ignore him about 90% of the time and act like you are happy and could careless he will go crazy. Hang in there and if you want him back it will be on how you react to him.


take care and good luck

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He definetely still likes you and is an idiot for obnoxiously annoying you and should be pimp-slapped lol. If hes going to do something about you talking with other guys why doesn't he get the ba**s to come out and say that he still has interest in you. See basically give him the attention he needs I come accross this every day with people, Guys always annoyingly pursuing girls because there doing hard to get but no meaning to. Just flush him with attention or w/e talk to him, just if hes like a freak then just stop talking to him. Those are the guys with OCD and walk down the street watching to make sure they don't step on a crack lol.

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Hey everyone Thank you so much for listening. I just wanted to get some opinions on this matter because it is all so strange. I mean he is the one who dumped me and i tried two times to get him back, but then i just gave up and have only treated him like a friend whenever i see him. I dont know what to think anymore. I just want him out!!! hehehe. Wow i can't believe im actually saying that, but it's the truth. Oh yeah, he was also a compulsive liar too!! SO HEy, i dont need a guy like that right right? Well thank you again.

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OMG. I dont know what to think anymore. Why the hell does he have to stalk me soo much? I MEAN he is the one who decided to end this beautiful relationship that we had. I've learned to get it over, but everytime im outside driving...he's behind me. THat throws me off so much. I just dont know what to think anymore of this situation. Last night, he seems me driving some where, so he makes a U turn and goes right behind me the whole time. im like "what Is the matter with you, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!." You don't understand how much this confuses me. I don't know what to think of this anymore. Either he has gone CRAZy like my parents and my friends are saying... or I dont know. I wish i could ask him why he does that , but that would it make it so weird. ALthough, my friend did. SHe was like "Why do you pass by her house in a circle with your music soo loud like 20 times in 5 minutes" And his response was "because i live around the block , you genious" LOL LOL. SHe was like "yeah but there are other ways to get to your house". LoL. Well thanx for listening. It makes me feel so much better when i write it down

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heLLO. Well, he called me yesterday. Ahhh!! And the reason why he called me is because i parked my car down the block from my house and he wanted to know if I was ok. He was like "oh are you ok" ANd im like YEAAAh. He was like "oh your car is parked in an unusual spot so i figured something was wrong." UMM WHY DO YOU CARE ...GO AWAY!!. But then we started talking and then i said i had to go and that i'd call him back later... which i didnt, but now im starting to feel bad and debating wethere i should call him back or not. The reason why I DONT want to call back is because: 1) We are going to talk for a very long time and it's going to get me upset because i am still trying to get over him ( Almost there, because i dont hurt as much anymore) 2) Brings back too many memories of me and him and it's going to bring all these false hopes up. 3) I dont want to know about him... like if he's already with somebody else.. you know. THe reason why i do want to call is because 1) I'ts fun talking to him... like i feel so comfortable and happy... and thats about it. I'm thinking about NOT calling him back anymore. I'm going to be leaving off to boot camp very soon, soo that's going to help a lot, but also the thought of losing him forever scares me.. I dont know im so confused. He was a very important person in my life!!! and I'm not so sure if losing total contact with him is the right decision to make. So should i call him.... OR NOT?? Please let me know.

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Personally, I think he realizes that he made a mistake and now he wants you back. The only thing is that the way he's acting is pretty scary. Extremely scary. This is how celebrity stalkers act scary. I know you still care about him, but honestly can you really picture being with a guy who acts like this again? If not then my suggestion would be to let him down easy, if that doesn't work, I'm sorry to say that you might have to think about getting a restraining order on him if this keeps up.


If I were in your shoes I'd be terrified. It's one thing to want you back, it's another to follow you around and drive in front of your house all the time, even if he does live close.

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