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how can I prevent these from appearing again?

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Hi everyone! You know when you get a cold sore on your lip? I never had one, but I do get these weird wounds in my mouth. I guess they're cold sored as well? Well anywats, I don't think it's from biting myself because they appear in ipossible to bite places. Now however I got one in my croocked (sp?) wisdom tooth but I don't remember biting myself either.


I heard it occurs because of lack of vitamins, but which? I think I'm getting the more often now, maube because it's winter.


I cannot even eat properly. It hurts so much! Especially now that it's right next to a tooth and when you move your jaw, it hurts!



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There is no cure for them, if they are really bad, then go to a doctor. If you only have a few everyonce and a while, yea, no worries. They are just cold sore type things. OTC meds are availible to treat the ones on the lip. It is a simple form of the herpes virus, it can be spread to others. You do not need to have sex to get them.

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I'm no doctor, and I'm no herpes expert at all. If you feel you need to go to the doctor, go. I'm not telling you don't, but you can just save some time and money and not go if you feel that it is not that bad. Vitimin C chewable pills work well. Ok, I'll fess up, I have them. I get like one every two months. You can be born with them, or just catch it anywhere. Its just a virus that never goes away. Its just an anoying little bump that hurts, I grabbed the Vit C and they were basically numb and they went away.


BTW, they can occur in your mouth, and on your tongue also, not just the lip.

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Well regardless of whether or not you're sexually active, if they bother you that much, you should tell your doc, it probably isn't anything serious but I'll bet that your doctor would have better advice about what to do.


But then again, I tell my doctor about pretty much anything that concerns me as I know next to nothing about how the human body functions.

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