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need help to understand what was she implying??


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Yea, women are kinda slow and give you the run around at first, they have to think about it, unless you are a celeberty or unavailible. They just arent turned on as quickly. When a guy sees a hot girl he likes he makes time for her. there is no question.


Really its up to her to go out with you. Youve made your move.If you wait for her you will see if she is serious about wanting to go out with you.

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Hey.. did she suggest another day to see the movie yet? I think it's a positive sign that she called you and talked about her day.. and that she explained that she didn't wanna set a date and then cancel.. that shows concern not uncertainty in my opinion..


And yes girls are socialised to play a little hard to get.. so maybe she's just doing the old trick of not being too available?! who knows?


Hope everything goes well..



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well. you see . she didn't exactly set another date.. but she said she still want to see the movie ..."the movie" not "a movie" the movie we decided was " In Good Company".. i am so confused and to be honest a little disappointed in this whole thing... today she didn't call me at all.. so maybe she'll call tomorrow( Friday)

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"But dont wait to long because sometime they are playing hard to get..."


But you asked them out...How am i supposed to know if they really dont like me?

And if they are playing hard to get then they have no one to blame but themselves if they find you going with someone else. Personally im going to only ask you out twice. After that you get ignored. I think i deserve more than some cute girl playing games.

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a week passed by.. I saw her in class... she smiled and said hi.. she didn't mention anything about the date or da movie we were gonna see.. I already shown my interest in he.. I don't think I should try it again.. it's pointless and I am just gonna make myself look bad.....

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It happens that way sometimes. Atleast she was nice enough not to turn you down directly. Just keep looking for someone whos into you. Trust me its much better that way. Also wanted to add that girls like mysterious guys, if your in a social setting like school or work, if you do more listening then talking, the ones that like you will find a way to get your attention. Or atleast it was that way in HS.

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a week passed by.. I saw her in class... she smiled and said hi.. she didn't mention anything about the date or da movie we were gonna see.. I already shown my interest in he.. I don't think I should try it again.. it's pointless and I am just gonna make myself look bad.....


If she is still smiling and making eye contact she is still interested. So you need not give up. But you need to play it carefully. If you wanted to address it, you would need to act like it was really no sweat off your back; that while you would have enjoyed it, it's really her loss that she did not want to go.


I'd wait a couple weeks and give her something like:


"So did you ever see ________________?"


"No? Well, it's too bad you did not call me back, I think we would have had fun."


and just smile and see how she reacts. If she starts explaining, tell her she doesn't have to.


Are there any women who can comment on this?

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Come on man


U are never going to get a girl that u really like if you dont try because i can tell u if my wife iwas trying to get her for three month and all throw that three month she acted like she didn't what to date me at all but now im married to her.


Form what u siad i dont what to make a a#$ of my self i hate to tell u but when some girl that u dont really like but some what do u are going to date her and ever stop dating her just because u did not have to work at


Dont a Da^& thing comes eazy try and woman are a plain in a A@# sometime but we love them and u have to work at them to get the one that we would like to have that is why we like them (ITS LIke game)




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thank you very much.. working hard to get someone you like/love.. I had one girl in my life that I absolutely loved and cared about and when I was working hard to get her she always rejected me .. in another word this is always mistakedn by the act of desperation ... how do you avoid that?

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Well maybe you need to learn what works. If find we often have been filled with incorrect and inconsistent ideas about what works. Being the nice, sensitive, caring guy doesn't always work. I am not saying abandon being nice, but maybe you need to look around and see what guys always have women on their arms. How do they get them? If what they do is not what you do, then maybe you need to learn from them. Also, look at the ones ones who can get them and not hold onto them and compare them to the guys who can hold onto a woman? Maybe you should also try to read a few books or find some other resources on the topic. If you want, I could suggest some.

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here is a very very interesting update..!! I knew something was not ight about this girl... well my best friedn's g/f told me that she is not single.. why she didn't tell me this herself I don't know.. well I am releived to be honest.. now I know .... moving on

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