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Starting Age Gap relationships

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There seem to be lots of discussion about the pros and cons of age-gap relationships, but what I cannot find anywhere on the Net is a site which contains any personals specifically aimed at Age Gap Relationships.


Strange. We're so often told about women preferring older men, yet, despite all sorts of weird alternative adult personals, there seems nowhere where women who prefer older men seem to be listed or can post adverts (or vice-versa, of-course).


So, the question really is...HOW does one find a younger women with whom to begin a relationship? For instance, I'm in London and am 55yo (how did THAT happen!!!? ;-( ), but would prefer to meet an unattached woman of 25-40yo. Surely this isn't that weird. If anyone knows where to look, I'd be delighted and grateful to know! ;-)


Naturally, if you ARe one of these women, so get in touch! ;-)



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  • 4 months later...

Well, Spats, I know when I've typed "older men, younger women" in a search engine, I HAVE come up with personals JUST for that -- but I can't remember what they were called (since I didn't need that information)... but I do know they exist.


But, most, if not ALL personal sites lists the age of the participant. I say, just e-mail and try to get in touch with women that fall in the range you are looking for! If they are interested (or at least, not bothered by) your age, you've got it made! Of course, many may not be, but e-mail enough of them, and I'm sure you'll find SOMEONE who is looking for an older man.


I met my boyfriend online. In the end, it's worked out well. We've known each other over a year now, and we have dated physically for about 10 months. However, my boyfriend did something I HIGHLY recommend NOT doing. He lied about his age. Oh, I knew he was an older man. I just didn't know how old. I thought he was 16 years older than me -- just a year beyond what I thought was my limit. Turned out he was 26 YEARS older than me, and we were talking for about 4 months before I found out the truth (but we had NOT met yet). So this gave me a chance to STILL back out... in a way. Truth be told, I was already falling in love with him, and in someways, by lying, he DID rope me in. This was because he knew I would NOT have continued to talk to him (or even initially talked to him) if I knew his true age upfront. I do understand why he did it, and things worked out, but I'll never say what he did was right. As much as it may "hurt" -- and as much as it will mean fewer responses, please do not lie about your age. It just isn't fair to the women you will be meeting. Good luck!

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Hi 'AmThereDoingThat',


I'm afraid this isn't as simple as you seem to think. It's easy for the younger woman to find the older man but NOT the other way around. I never lie about my age, for, what would be the point!? After all, they'd meet me in the end and see that I'm not under 40yo or something.


Yes, most sites DO have the age mentioned but few have DOUBLE matching, so I don't know if the younger woman IS looking for an older man, hence my request for this specific sort of personals page. I'm 55yo and looking for women at least 15 years younger than I am. Is this so weird? Well, it appears so!


In several years of writing to women who might suit ME, I've had no positive replies. The only ones who write to me are my age or older...precisely what I'm NOT looking for!


Oh well!!! I'll keep looking...getting older all the time, though...

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  • 2 years later...

Amtheredoingthat. I saw one of your posts where you said there was a 27 year age difference with your man and that he was 'emotionally unavailable' and also that he's not committed to being married etc. Well you could be talking about my situation. My guy is 25 years older and we go on the on again off again roller coaster because of the age difference. We have been seeing each other for 2 and a bit years now. I have adjusted to this pretty well as he is older. But we enjoy each others company and we have fun together. He say's it would be a lot different if he were younger. I just wondered if you would like to communicate sometime through email to chat about some of the similarities. We might be able to give a little info/support to one another on the situation. I did write to the site to ask if you'd accept email contact. Anyway...the offer is there. It'd be great to share some insights. dreamcatcher

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