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Sex tips/ uncircumcised


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I'm wondering what are some ways to make sex really enjoyable for the both of us. I am more into how to make it better for her because I'm just more interested in pleasing her. What are some things i can do. Like positions etc. I'm also wondering what are some ways to hold out longer. Also I'm uncircumcised so I'm wondering if that changes anything. Will it be better for me, her? Honestly I'm a really hot guy so I'm hoping that the uncircumcision won't weird her out. Hopefully my other assets will make up for it. What do you think, are most girls freaked out about this?

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I really don't think she will care about the "uncircumcision".


The best way to handle this situation is to simply talk to her about it. Ask her what she likes to do. Ask her what her favorite positions are.


As far as the holding out thing, well, that's sort of difficult without practice. Eventually you'll be able to hold out longer each time. Luckily, during my first time I lasted a little over five minutes which isn't too bad I guess. Trust me, if she really loves you then she won't care about that stuff as much.

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ive had BFs that were & weren't circumsized. its really not a difference. it actually enhances sensitivity for the guy i was told.


if you 2 just started to have sex together sometimes it takes time to 'learn the other person'. just be open & ask questions. you can even just be chillin & talking & just bring up sex & erotic stuff & ask eachother questions, it not only makes for arousing conversation, you can actually learn a lot about eachother.



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If you want to gain sexual knowledge then you need to do some research about different techniques and positions. Google is a useful resource if you know how to use it effectively. Although an uncircumsized penis may not be the norm in todays society she might initially have some reservation about it but i doubt it will be a problem.

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I for one do not like uncircumsized. The skin is bothersome during love making and oral sex. I don't find it as pleasurable for myself vs. having been with men who were circumsized.


I don't like the way it looks with the added skin fold. The penis looks much sexier when a guy is circumsized not to mention the hygiene thing. Just my opinion.

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There is nothing wrong with being uncircumcised, for some reason Americans have been taught to believe it is somehow unhygenic or unhealthy, but for all you men who aren't, you know that those things aren't true so long as you clean properly. If your partner has a problem with your body then they are not a good partner for you. Good positions for your partner are going to depend on her internal anatomy as well as your shape, and is not dependent on you being circumcised or not, although I have to agree with some of the other women that it often enhances the woman's pleasure.


One way to help you and your partner become comfortable with each other's bodies is to explore and "play" before having actual intercourse. I am guessing from your post that you may not have not had sex before, and if that is the case, then make sure both you and your partner are at ease and comfortable and familiar with each other's bodies, that will ultimately make for the most mutual pleasure in the end.


And of course, be safe about it. Try different condoms to see which ones are most comfortable for you and your partner, but be sure to use them!!!

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