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Valentines Day :-?


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Ok so heres my prob...


i like this girl, but i dont really know her that well, but been txtin for a week or so...and i sent her a valentines day card - jus a really cheesy one that sings, nothin too heavy!!!


anyway the other day she said that she wasnt really lookin forward to valentines day cause its usually depressin, so i replied and said that i think it could be better this year, and she was lookin to know why i thought that, but i jus kinda said shed have to wait an see...


so anyhow i sent her a msg on fri nite just lookin to know how work went, and said it wasnt long to vday now, and ended it wit xo...


well she didnt reply ( i tried to get her to go out on sat nite but she didnt reply to that msg either!), so i thought that was that, but she finally replied today sayin sorry wit some excuse, then said that "theres only one day to vday now!!"...


so two questions... did i go overboard wit the xo, and then that kinda scared her of a bit!!


an do u reckon shes expectin a bit more than jus a card on valentines day!!!??




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I dont think that the xo was to much because I even do that to friends,But dont be to pushy because it could push her away,Next time try asking her out on a date over the phone to see what type of reaction you get,She may or may not be expectin something for V-day but you could still get her something nice to see how she will act,Are there any signs that she may like you?

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i think that by the way you're telling her about valentines day, she might be expecting to do something with you (such as go out to dinner.) Why not do something fun on that night, so she can finally spend her Valentine's day with someone? I do think she's expecting more than a card, but I don't mean that you should buy her something else. I think she may be expecting you to take her out.

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