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Well where do I start? From the beginning I guess.


In 1999 a lady I met from the USA came to England for 2 years to live etc.


We started out as friends and whilst she was here, there were many times we discussed our "relationship", i.e. are we friends or something more special. Anyway, we were intimate on many occasions, and there isnt anything I wouldnt have done for her. I wasn't in love with her...at least I didnt think so, until she moved back to the USA in Nov 2001.


Ever since she returned home, I havent been the same. I tried to remain friends with her, but found this difficult. I am filled with deep resentment and anger as to why I was never allowed to having a loving relationship, as I often wondered if I was a good "friend" more than a boyfriend. She often felt the same way too...very confused.


I haven't dated anyone since, as I feel somewhat cheated. She has been dating someone for over a year now, and it seems to be serious.


I often feel like writing her a letter to explain how disappointed I am.


It just seems all too late now, but maybe this is the closure I need.


I invested so much in this relationship, that I feel she must know she too advantage of my good nature.


As a result of this, I am very mis-trusting of women now, as I feel there is an ulterior motive.


Any advice from a female perspective would be appreciated.

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this sounds like one of those romantic movies when the man flies over seas to tell the woman how much he loves her a demand that she come back home with him and they live happily everafter. well we know that real life does not work like that. by all means PLEASE send her the letter, even if she does not feel the same about you, you would have at least got it off your chest.




Good Luck!

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Your problem since to be more with attachment. I think you loved her but she did not reciprocate. I feel about it.

I guess best advise I can give it to you is forget about her. I am sure it is not easy but trust me go out and do something you like. Genuenly. Have good time and I can assure you that there are plently of nice woman who can share your feelings.

I would suggest you to stop writing letters to her becuase she has chosen her destination and I do not think she is going to look back.

I am sure there other friends whom you can share time iwth.

This in this way, if she thinks that whatever she had with you was nothing so why you waste your time thinking about her.

Go out and enjoy your life.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm suffering myself, and I'm not even sure I'm lookin for advice....


Just frustrated, but I'm sure we've all been there.


Dated the girl of my dreams @ work. I fell so hard. We hit it off, had almost everything in common, she is stunning, made me feel so good about me (as I did for her) is honest to a fault (which is prolly the most compellign quality I can find), we clicked completely physically (I actually gave her her 1st 'O', if u know what I mean, which is a big deal @ 28 ), and she is great with my son.....


*sigh* She was in a long and painful relationship for over 10 years, he wasnt there for her emotionally and is used to bein unappreciated She knows I appreciate her) and she always told me she might not be ready for a commitment...well, after 8 months it came to an end and I've suffered thru seeing her @ work and now having her seemingly falling for an emotionally unavailable coworker that she knows has been with more ppl @ work than most vegas prostitutes....


I apologize for rambling, there are so many factors involved, I want to be her friend, and I cant let go of the possibility of a future....but her with this guy is just the biggest slap in the face. I did change shifts so I dont see her, however I do see him and it's really hard. The fact is that she does care for me, if she was a lying b*tch this might be easier...but she is so great.....


Any thoughts? (from those patient enough to actually read all of that?)

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